Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy 25th Birthday!

Our sister, may you become

thousands of tens of thousands,

and may your offspring

possess the gate of them that hate them!

Genisis 24:60

Praise the Lord, all nations!

Extol him all peoples!

For great is his steadfast love toward us,

And the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord! Psalm 117

I Love you Regina! ~ Melody

Dear Regina, Happy 25th Birthday!

Thank you for extracting 14 barrels of honey so Victor, Dinah and I could put queens into hives before heading to Jamestown last June.

Thank you for your ongoing support of us and always encouraging us to be faithful.

Love, Lance

Our Dear Regina, You are a great example of Godly faithfulness! I am a blessed woman to have 25 years with you loving us through thick and thin. Thank you for affirming us and helping us understand more. Thank you for your Christ-like love for people.

I pray you will be blessed with a Psalm 112 godly gracious husband who loves us too. I pray you will have millions of descendants who will not forget the works of God.

I love you dear Regina

~ Mom

Dear Regina,

Thank you for reading to me and answering my questions before I go to sleep at night. Thank you for working with me burying squirrel holes in the orchard. Thank you for teaching me to memorize verses from the Bible.

I pray you marry a godly husband and I hope you have many kids, grand-kids and great-grand-kids. I hope your husband brings you back to see us.

I love you. Love from Jodavid


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Regina,
It has truly been a blessing to watch you grow into a beautiful godly woman. I love to see you being the example to younger ladies in how they should love and respect their families and be in submission to their fathers. As your family has already said, I pray that God will bring you a godly husband that you will be a helpmeet for and that you will be blessed with many, many little blessings running around your home. Thank you for being a wonderful example to me.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Regina! It was a genuine delight to spend a couple of days with you and your family. Tell your brothers I'll give them a "shout out" in one of the upcoming podcasts.

Tell the rest of the Seppi's I said "Hello!"

Chris Ortiz

Anonymous said...


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