"He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their habitation."
Mr. McBride taught three classes. His family's service and hospitality are great blessings.
Maggie is a true completer for Dana.
Dad taught boxing in the afternoon.
Thursday volleyball: Campers vs. counselors.
Miss Fang shared her family story of fleeing Communist China.
She is a radiant example of serving God with her whole heart.
"Blessed is the man who fears the LORD
a talk I gave when I was 20:).
Lance covered a different angle than usual, showing the direct influence of Communist Revolutionaries in our Civil War. The Manifesto was published in 1848, contributing to revolutions all over
Some became generals in the Northern army.
Their Marxist philosophy led to implementing the progressive income tax, inheritance tax, confiscation of land of "rebels," the government school (all schools previously were either private or city but never federal) and property taxes -- all planks of the Communist Manifesto.
Lance was later awarded Mr. Camper of the Year at the Friday Award Ceremony. ~R
I accused Mr. Antonio of handpicking me the best girls in camp.
Kathleen and her sisters are from a family of 10 children.
Victoria recieved Miss Camper of the Year for her faithful entheusiastic participation.
When I walked into the girls bathroom on Thursday, Vand J were in seperate showers, quizzing each other on the properties of real money for their test the next day.
Lord, teach us to follow you in each situation. Pastor Campbell graciously drove up the hill to give the Civilian Disarmament class. He explained the often misunderstood commandment “Thou shalt not kill” means Thou shalt not murder. Exodus 20 gives the Ten Commandments and the very next page, Exodus 21, God’s people are commanded to have a murderer executed.
For every negative command there is a positive. For instance “Thou shall not steal,” means that it is good to have private property. So “Thou shall not kill” means that we should preserve life. This was made abundantly clear in
Jesus was clear on self defense – if you don’t have a sword then sell your cloak and buy one. Holocausts have always been proceeded by disarming the people.
Jill and Baby Andrew with Melody
Melody's thumbs are well bandaged after she worked up blisters racing Dinah in a kayak. Without the truth, we become captives.
Lance started me off by reading Psalm 78 :1-11 and Melody ran the power point which she had set up for me.
Lance acted as the grandfather of Christopher Columbus who with his young grandson on his lap said “Let me tell you the story of Ramon Lull. I was a sailor on the ship …” Little Christopher grew up with a burning vision to fulfill his name “Christ bearer” to the ends of the earth.Melody, ready for the banquet.
Maggie & Dinah
Mr. Sam Antonio our camp director, Mary Benoit our program director-daughter of The New American editor Gary Benoit & family friend Elijah Hines at the Award Ceremony
1 comment:
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them - it looks like you guys are having an awesome time! :-D
We moved to TN, and had our internet hooded up a couple days ago, so now we're back on the web :-)
God bless y'all,
Angie for the Willi
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