Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Algae May Be an Energy Answer

Ethanol production from corn and soybeans is pummeling the world’s hungry, and biodiesel is following the same track. Will crude oil from algae result in a third failure or lead to biofuel’s Shangri-La? You decide.



The Kautts said...

Very interesting idea! I was just perusing our New American which arrived in today's mail.

I found your blog via the Serven Clan. Aren't they a precious family!?


Dinah said...

Hi David,
It is good to see your family enjoy the New American magazine too.

The Servens are a very special family. It was a blessing talking to Rebekah at the West Coast Worldview Conference early this month. I love listening to their psalm singing on my ipod.

God Bless,


Dinah said...
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Nick Jesch said...

I've been a fan of diesel/biofuels for some time, and have followed developments fairly closely. I had read about this process a few months ago, or something much like it, and I believe it shows great promise. Makes me think of the chap who asked God to give him understanding of the peanut, the lowely "goober pea" of his native South. Before he died, he had discovered some four hundred useful products from that plant. I have been convinced the answer to our energy supply system will not come through the usual channels, the oil and energy companies that have held sway for more than a century. It will come through independent entrepreneurs to whom God will grant wisdom.. just as He did with the peanut. Curious... how many people reading about this know that the very first diesel engine, developed by Rudolph Diesel in Germany, was made to run on peanut oil? They can run on almost anything!! I know of a huge generating plant used to power a fish processing facility up in Dutch Harbor Alaske.... the huge diesel engines that power it run on.... FISH OIL.... a waste product of their operation. Ingenious! No dummies working there!! They are energy independent! (though smelly........)

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