Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Between Two Evils, Choose Neither

Did watching the first Obama/McCain presidential debate leave you wondering how Americans could possibly choose either one of these die-hard socialists?

If you're like millions of Americans who realize 'the fix is in' on limiting the debates to the 2 evils we're told we have to choose between...well, now's your chance to force the issue and tell mainstream media: 'Your monopoly has just been broken... our candidate will get to debate and here's how: ThirdPartyTicket!

Charles Hadden Spurgeon said, "If you have to choose between two evils, choose neither!"

Please visit this site and sign up to support a debate where the other candidates will get to have their say...

The internet is the 'musket of the 21st century' and we're taking aim at censorship!

Please add your name to this effort and let's help spread Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin's message of life, liberty and limited government!

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

In reviewing the list of minor parties and their candidates, I find myself wondering what it might take to unite all of them under one name and platform. This might be the best way to have a go against the two "cast in concrete" options we are served up every election cycle, both for executive and legislative positions. By diluting the non-main party vote several ways it nearly does away with any significant chance of success. Perhaps some compromise in the minor issues,maintaining focus on the key issues, would make this a viable possibility for four years hence. A quick look at Daniel Ortega's (Nicaragua) experience with this very principle is instructive. What would it take to unite ALL the minor parties behind ONE slate? If Ron Paul got something like 20% of the votes in the primaries, being so divided amongst the minor candidates, what could happen if unity prevailed? Mainly a rhetorical question, but interesting...... and hopefully provacative.

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