Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lance is 21

Happy Big 21st Lance!

Thank you for your vision to work for the future – even when you do not get payment right now.

Thank you for your example of diligent study while in your youth.

Thank you for running toward the roar of battle where you see the need the most.

Thank you for taking Jodavid along and training him in bee work.

May God bless you with a happy bride, mighty children and an inheritance for your descendants.

I look forward to Greek lessons with you as you sharpen your skills to rightly divide the word of truth.

Your sister,

Regina Joy Seppi

October 7, 2008

Jodavid: “I like it when you read books.”

Melody: “I like it when you let me write your talks. We love your study ethic.”

Victor: “You really make the business go.”

Dinah: “I like to listen you speak, you model what I admire in guys. I hope you marry a lady who cares about health and cares about discipling her children.”

Mom: “I am most proud when you are speaking because it is like the coming together of many years of work and reading. I pray God will make you a great leader, and give you wisdom to work with your brothers. You are a young man bearing the yolk in your youth.”

Dad: “I’m excited to see the prospects of a young man who does not waste his time.”


Nick Jesch said...

Little doubt in my mind Lance will find and marry a Lady much like his sisters and Mum..... nor that a significant part of who he is now is the result of the faithful love and encouragement of these women in his life. And this is all very good.

The Dischers said...

Happy Birthday to a strong godly young man! May our Lord use you greatly in times to come.

From The Discher Family

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Lance! May the Lord Bless you!

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