This call to remove our children from the government school system, together with its sound reasons in favour of it, is one that will either be heard, resulting in a remnant of faithful Kingdom-minded warrior arrows, or ignored, to the certain loss of the remainder of our freedoms in this land. When one considers the whole of the situation, it is clearly the grace amd mercy of the Lord we can even consider such a course of action. Observe that in Germany it is against the law, at pain of imprisonment and taking of one's children, to refuse to submit your children to the state schools. This is a holdover from the reign of Hitler, a change he enacted in the late 1930's and was never removed from the lawbooks.
When some of our church attended a conference at which Voddie Baucham spoke, we purchased a whole case of his book, and we've all read it. We also give a copy to any family visiting our church.... he angers many who hear him, but the basis of that anger is the considering of the high cost to do this, and (more important) to wholeheartedly take up the God-assigned task of FATHERS TEACH YOUR CHILDREN. That is a costly task, on its face. Oh, but the rewards are so great the cost is not to be considered. Reminds me of the parable of the field with the pearl of very great price discovered hid in it. Yes, the field is dear. But what of the treasure within it, that comes with the price?
Wow! I agree whole heartedly, I have been wondering if this would happen sooner or later.
Christians should have been awakened to this need to have a mass exodus from "public education" a LONG time ago! Praise the Lord that Mr. Bauchaum and others are sounding this call. And thank you Seppi's for posting this powerful YouTube so that other's will see the Light.
Thank you for introducing me to this organization (I had never heard of them). I have put a small article on my blog about them.
This call to remove our children from the government school system, together with its sound reasons in favour of it, is one that will either be heard, resulting in a remnant of faithful Kingdom-minded warrior arrows, or ignored, to the certain loss of the remainder of our freedoms in this land. When one considers the whole of the situation, it is clearly the grace amd mercy of the Lord we can even consider such a course of action. Observe that in Germany it is against the law, at pain of imprisonment and taking of one's children, to refuse to submit your children to the state schools. This is a holdover from the reign of Hitler, a change he enacted in the late 1930's and was never removed from the lawbooks.
When some of our church attended a conference at which Voddie Baucham spoke, we purchased a whole case of his book, and we've all read it. We also give a copy to any family visiting our church.... he angers many who hear him, but the basis of that anger is the considering of the high cost to do this, and (more important) to wholeheartedly take up the God-assigned task of FATHERS TEACH YOUR CHILDREN. That is a costly task, on its face. Oh, but the rewards are so great the cost is not to be considered. Reminds me of the parable of the field with the pearl of very great price discovered hid in it. Yes, the field is dear. But what of the treasure within it, that comes with the price?
Wow! I agree whole heartedly, I have been wondering if this would happen sooner or later.
Christians should have been awakened to this need to have a mass exodus from "public education" a LONG time ago! Praise the Lord that Mr. Bauchaum and others are sounding this call. And thank you Seppi's for posting this powerful YouTube so that other's will see the Light.
Awesome. I sent this link to all my email contacts.
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