Monday, December 8, 2008

Paul Jehle Quote

"If we focus on what we disagree on, we divide.
If we focus on what we can agree on
The Kingdom Comes"
That is the strength of "Uncle" Jay Grimsted
Colition on Revival
There is a time to focus on the points of disagreement
when we must warn a brother or sister from a pitfall.
Thank God for his reminders to reconcile and unite.


Sarah said...

Marvelous quote! Very true.
Thanks for sharing it.


Nick Jesch said...

True enough, and seldom enough heeded. Years ago my pastor in another city (a very wise and godly man, particularly gifted as a peacemaker) had been troubled by another pastor who persistently refused to participate in a city-wide monthly prayer meeting amongst pastors. My pastor went to call on him privately to see whether he could not persuade the man, or learn why not. After discussing many of the "dividing points" amongst ministers (baptism, end-times, prayer, the Holy Spirit, that sort of thing) my pastor finally asked him "well, what do you think about ice cream?" The other admitted to having a strong liking for it. "Well, then, we shall go and have some". Which they did, and that time together was the beginning of the "melting of the ice" and of a growing friendship.

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