Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wooten's Honey Bees

Hi Gary!


Gary built his forklift.

Getting Ideas for Our Building Plans
Almond Trees Are in Bloom

That peaceful looking orchard had some excitement today.
Marlys called the Sheriff when they discovered a car being stripped.
And a swarm of police came quickly and apprehended those thieves.
The car was stolen in Fresno and brought here.
 Warehouse Ideas 

Wooten's Reservoir



Water Lilies

Water Fun


Ah, a great pond!

Is that bunny real?

Sweet Bunny

Hannah holding her dog back from that delectable bunny.



Anonymous said...

WOw! What pretty pictures!

Denzil said...

I just watched the documentary Colony that had your family in it and so I was excited to find your blog. Your family story and the story of the bees is really in miniature what is taking place in the world today. It seems the pressures we face today tax us all(literally and spiritually). I hope your family business is surviving and thriving and just wanted to say I loved the documentary and was very pleased to see those of like precious faith still living for God and being a light to others in this dark world.

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