Wednesday, March 18, 2009

EU Bans Use of 'Miss' and 'Mrs' (and Sportsmen and Statesmen) Because It Claims They Are Sexist

Using 'Miss' and 'Mrs' has been banned by leaders of the European Union because they are not considered politically correct.

Brussels bureaucrats have decided the words are sexist and issued new guidelines in its bid to create 'gender-neutral' language.

The booklet warns European politicians they must avoid referring to a woman's marital status.

This also means Madame and Mademoiselle, Frau and Fraulein and Senora and Senorita are banned.

Instead of using the standard titles, it is asking MEPs to address women by their names.

And the rules have not stopped there – they also ban MEPs saying sportsmen and statesmen, advising athletes and political leaders should be used instead.

Read the rest of the article

Melody, who is reading Otto Scott’s Robespierre, said “This is the French Revolution all over again!” The Revolution outlawed royalty titles and eventually gender titles, calling everyone “citizen.”

This is because gender roles are vital to civilization. Whenever civilizations decay gender roles are confused, marriage is dishonored, infanticide becomes wide spread and sodomy is common. This happened in Greece, in Rome, and many times in Iseral when they turned away from God.

This is why one of the most counter revolutionary acts possible is for Christian women to simply love being Christian women.

What could be more challanging? Or more rewarding?

After all, the first time I saw “Ms.” on a wedding invitation, they ended up divorced.


Nick Jesch said...

Not surprising, and this all comes from people who are confused and fear stating a thing as what it is. Sort of the whole post-modern schtick. Nothing is real, everything is changing, and things are what WE make them to be.

Well, PAAAARRRRDDDdoonn ME, but I have to tell these folks that things have been the way they ARE long before any of them ever began breathing. And will remain so long after they are chucking up daisies.

You are absolutely correct, we MUST continue to "call a spade a spade". Women are WOMEN, men are MEN, a married woman is MRS, an unmarried one is Miss. Using definitive terms may ruffle some feathers, but oh well. That's life, get over it!! The sun still appears in the east each morning, and I'll lay long odds it will again tomorrow. Even were we to begin calling that direction "south", it would not change its place. Foolishness!

Regina said...

Hi Nick!
We are glad to hear from you again, old friend!
~ Esther

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