Monday, April 27, 2009

The JBS Council Dinner

A retired engineer for McDonell Douglas tells Regina about mercury, his daughter in Alaska, corn syrup. He thinks bees may be dying because of genetically engineered crops.
Margaret Fang, who was born in Taiwan after her parents fled Communist China,
sang our Nation Anthem and God Bless America
The gentleman on this end, Mr. Clark Curry,

spoke on wonderful things happening in Oklahoma.

Afterwards we had a delightful time talking with him.

He was instrumental in getting

The Truth Project shown in many churches,

followed by Mr. McManus's excellent Overview of America.

"Don't forget the spiritual factor."

Mr. Curry said, reminded us in his talk,

Psalm 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD,

who walks in His ways!"

One of the most influential men in their coalition is a window washer.

He and his wife were unable to have children.

Both are dedicated Christians and Birch members with a heart for people. He washes windows listening to talk shows, staying up on news and researches.

State legislatures - even Senators -- call him regularly for advice on legislation.

They call him "The Professor."

Oklahoma was the only state to increase in Republican legislators-

-for the first time in 100 years Republicans are the majority in OK senate.

Through the efforts of some great people there,

these legislators are better educated then most Republicans

and voted to stop the NAFTA Super highway in Oklahoma.

OK-SAFE started by George Wallace

surveys candidates asking them questions,

like "Where to rights come from?"

(Hint: whoever gives rights has the power to take them away.)

The Declaration of Independence says, people are

"endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights…

and for the protection of these rights governments are instituted among men.”

Candidates are invited to speak,

debate and answer questions.

OK-SAFE then endorses and supports

candidates they see are best.

Out of 56 they endorsed, 35 won in the last election.

Wednesday the legislature voted to

overturn the call for a Constitutional Convention 90 to 6.

Jeff Skinner, 2008 Presidential Candidate ~ Dr. Chuck Baldwin and JBS CEO Art Thompson

Please visit Chuck's web site at

"A Culture Of Surveillance"
By Chuck Baldwin
April 28, 2009

"...George Bush wanted amnesty for illegal aliens. Barack Obama wants amnesty
for illegal aliens. George Bush supported the assault weapons ban. Barack
Obama supports the assault weapons ban. George Bush wanted to limit the
legal rights of certain people charged with crimes. Well, friends, Barack
Obama also wants to limit the rights of people charged with crimes..."

To subscribe, click on this link and follow the instructions:

John McManus with Mrs. Patty Compeon

Mrs. Compeon was born in Mexico came here as a girl with her family.

She is a school teacher, mother of three and
the the brave wife of former Border Patrol Agent, Jose Compeon.
Mr Compeon and Ignacio Ramos were convicted two years ago
after shooting at a drug smuggler
they thought had pulled a gun on them.
The same smuggler was caught bringing another load
across the border during their trial.
The jury was not told.

"My [extended] family in Mexico tells me that
there are tanks in the streets to control the violence.
They would love to be here, but, they will not come illegally."

Mr. Baldwin on Lou Dobbs said,

"Let's set the record straight McCain would be no different then Obama

when it comes to the growing police state, immigration or spending."

He said that McCain, on seeing Obama's choice of cabinet members said,

"I could not be more pleased with the people Mr. Obama chose for his cabinet.

I would have chosen the same myself."

Obama is not going to end the war.

It will mearly be shifted to another country Afghanistan then likly Pakistan.

"Perpetual war is a tool of globalists to enslave us here at home."

Mrs. Compeon thanked everyone for their prayers.

"I am here by the grace of God, after being a single mother for two years.

without your prayers I would not be here, I would be curled up in a corner somewhere."

"You have been fighting the battle for -- 50 years? I want to stand with you."

"I say all across America The New American is the greatest news magazine in America.
I even got my mother-in-law reading it."
"It was a grueling campaign, but great to speak especially at colleges...
There is still a hungering and thirsting for liberty."
Chuck Baldwin described students who came because he was a candidate,
or because Ron Paul had endorsed him, who were sceptical.
By the end they were taking all the literature they had and passing it out.

Dinah, Mrs. Compeon, Regina, Esther & Melody

"My mother-in-law told me
she prayed for her son that God would use him.
She thought maybe as a priest. "
She didn't dream God would use him before the whole nation
with two years of solitary confinement after a railroaded trial.
Patty laughed, "I said 'God, there you go with your since of humor.'"

Lance and Victor with "Mayor Dave" from Arizona

Meeting Mr. Barber, from Florida,
who has worked with Kent Hovind and Creation Science Evangelism
Mr. B. was one of the 4000 babies that Dr. Ron Paul delivered.
Bill Jasper, Senior Editor of The New American.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Jasper,
Jose Compeon and Ignacio Ramos
both received The New American while in prison.


The Dischers said...

What a special night this must have been for your family. Surely in future years you will look back on those you met who have left a legacy for the Conservative cause.

May the righteous law of Christ the King reign once again throughout our great land!

The Dischers

Regina said...

Yes we are so blessed to have grown up meeting great people. Daddy has always wanted us to learn from men and women God is using on the front lines.

There is a sense that though we live on a ranch, struggling to learn how to grow trees and bees and paying for our inexperience, that we are living on the cutting edge, participating in the defining battles of our day and meeting leaders we will tell our children about.

Blessings to you Dischers!
May you continue to fear the LORD and may your children be mighty on the earth!

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