Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama Positioning For Backdoor Gun Control

On his recent trip to Central America, President Barack Obama did more than
cozy up to Marxist dictators; he also signed onto an international treaty
that could, in effect, be used as backdoor gun control. It appears that
Obama wants to use international treaties to do what congressional
legislation is not able to do: further restrict the right of the American
people to keep and bear arms.

To read the rest go to:


Nick Jesch said...

Not unexpected in the least. When one considers the track record of this man, and his "questionable" origins, together with his marxist/socialist upbringing and values, who could possibly be surprised he is trying to submit us, a sovereign nation, to the control and whim of foreign nations? He has also proven himself sufficiently devious his present attempt at an "end run" around the established legislative process should come as no surprise. "anything to get the desired results", never mind it means selling our sovereignty as a nation. Concerned about "gun running" from Texas retail gunstores into Mexico, is he? Well, why not DO HIS JOB and see the sealing of the border completed. MAINTAIN our liberties rather than sell them. He is more and more thinking/acting as though he is still in Kenya.......

Nick Jesch said...

Oh, and THANKS SO MUCH for fising whatever it was to make the text readable again.... been a few days since I could get on here, but it is great now.... thanks.

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