Monday, April 13, 2009

Rick Warren's stance on Prop 8 & biblical marriage


and now against prop 8.

For more info

Rick Warren's Stance on Same-sex "Marriage"

and Rick Warren, the CFR, and Barack Obama


Martins said...


I found your blog and it is such a blessing!! Praise God!! I too, have a blog... Actually I have many, but this one is my passion!! Everyone looks so beautiful!!!We also listen to and attended a True Church Conferencein Alabama in February and I cannot tell you how are hearts were blessed.Please pray for our search for a church family in Boise. We are trying to find a church true to Bible doctrine.Please send our Love to all the Family!!!
In Christ's Service,
The Martins

Nick Jesch said...

Interesting.. yet not overly surprising. Not ONE WORD regarding what God says about homosexual behaviour..... its all about tradition, convention, two percent defining reality, what's "good" for society.... NOTHING of God's Word.

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