Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today is Special Election Day in California

With no candidates and an unusual voting month, we'll likely have a small voter turn out today, making every vote more relevant.
The State of Ca is bankrupt. As the most populous and now most taxed state, California has more than enough to pay for Constitutionally approved spending.
One of the best things that could happen is for this state gov to financially collapse, so that it could be rebuilt. New Zealand went to near collapse a few years ago. They stepped back, stopped subsidizing crops... and now are doing far better.

For Analysis of each proposition:

Today is voting day in California.

Please vote no on Prop 1A-1F!

Cut gov spending -

not punish productive people with more taxes.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

And I've seen the results... there is yet hope for the people of California. In this odd special election, with no candidates to seat/unseat, approximately twice as many people voted AGAINST each of these fiscally irresponsible measures as voted FOR them.. hooray, the voting public (those who bothered to turn out, at any rate) shows a level of concern that is encouraging.

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