Wednesday, June 17, 2009

George Muller

said that those expecting the Gospel of Christ to Christianize the nations are not serving the Lord. Muller led in changing the goal of missionary endeavours from Christianizing the world's nations to simply "soul saving." He was convinced that it was unscriptural to hope that the gospel message could bring about godly social change. The result of this teaching was that multitudes of Chinese Christians who were trained to expect an immanent "rapture," were tortured and slaughtered.

Muller's ideas impacted Hudson Taylor and China Inland Mission contributing to a neutralized, powerless gospel which helped China fall to Communism, therefore resulting in the currant limit of children and forced abortions there. Many who did NOT follow his teaching fled and were saved.

Jesus commanded us to disciple the nations, teaching them all things He commanded us. This wrong thinking tears out much of the teaching of God's word.

See Ovid E Need Jr.'s book, Death of the Church Victorious, pgs. 195-199.

George Muller served the Lord rescuing orphans. God is concerned for the fatherless and his work there was great, yet Muller's error in theology is destructive, even now.

I highly recommend, The Greatest Century of Missions by Peter Hammond. It is a thrilling book of missionaries who discipled nations, setting them free from spiritual and physical bondage of paganism like William Carey ending suti "honorable sacred widow burning,"
outlawing infanticide, and ending the slave trade.

William Carey said, "He must reign until Satan has not an inch of territory."

Missionaries went out in the 19th Century to disciple the nations, and they did. Today we believe in snatching a few embers from the fire and that is what we accomplish. We are called by God to be culture builders.

Psalm 22:27-28 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For the kingdom is the LORD'S and He rules over the nations.

America use to send missionaries to save nations, now we send armies as if we believe in salvation by force and violence.

The Bible is pro-peace, not pro-Palestine. Jesus is not a racist, nor a land broker. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. It is now imperative to understand that the Holy Land is now the whole earth.

This will NOT be achieved by American foreign aide, bailouts or armies.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

George Muller's misunderstandings in theology seem to be quite similar to the underlying thinking of the two "awakenings" here on this continent, late 18th and early 19th centuries. The effects of wrong theology in those "awakenings' here continue to bear their sickly fruit in much of the church in North America today. In considering Muller's "take", I find it rather interesting that, despite his very covenantal actions in caring for orphans, he failed to carry such covenental thinking beyond, and out into the community at large. God's covenant with Abram was, in part, that "in you will ALL the nations of the earth be blessed". Note, it is NATIONS that will benefit. And Jesus' final commands on this earth commissioned us to go out into ALL the nations, as well, preaching the gospel (as a start, sure enough), but also, He was careful to add, baptising them (nations, that is....) and teaching them to DO all that I have commanded. This in view, it seems to me impossible to stop at individual "soul saving". God saves FROM our dead-end lives, and at the same time saves us TO a transformed earth where all men give glory to God. And it seems it is our "teaching them to do all I have commanded" that must lead to this renewed earth. George Muller got part of it right, but left out other bits just as needful.

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