Friday, June 19, 2009

The Incredible Scofield in his reference bible

reinterpreted the Bible and transformed Christian theology in America from a victorious optimistic gospel to a dispensational perspective. No longer good Bereans, people read the Bible through his notes. We use to read one bible in its whole, now we read it chopped into two, separating the old covenant as if it were not necessary.

It gave birth to the 20th Century idea of two peoples of God; the Church and Israel. We are saved by faith, not by blood line! The Church in Acts was predominantly a Jewish Church and grafted in to it were the gentiles. The Church has not recovered from his hopeless theology of defeat, retreat and compromise. God shows personal favoritism to no man.

Cyrus Ingerson Scofield walked out on his poor faithful wife and daughters to fin for themselves, because she was Catholic and he was writing his “notes.”

“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1Timothy 5:8

He buddied up to some of the bloodiest "Redleggers" in the Civil War.


"The Incredible Scofield," by Joseph Canfield


by Lance Seppi


Nick Jesch said...

Some things Jesus said:
"the Kingdom of Heaven is AT HAND" (right here, now). "ALL power in heaven and on earth IS GIVEN (now) to Me". "Occupy (live, work, rule) till I come".

Doesn't leave much room for some off-in-the-future sort of extablishment of His kingdom, does it?

I've always been leery of any sort of "study bible" wherein someone else's understanding/interpretation is what is leading the reader. Best to get in it yourself, or perhaps read from an assortment of solid commentaries, for study. I've known a number of people to buy a Scofield or Thompson and read that exclusively... and watched their theology change and their walk weaken.

Of course, NOTHING beats solid, thorough, exegetical, verse by verse expository teaching from the pulpit week on week. The lack of which in the American church is scandalous, and, I believe, largely at the root of the present weakness. I know, for too many years I was not in a church that followed this, and it showed.

Anonymous said...

I highly recommend this video/audio Presentation by Charles Carlson about the HISTORY of Scofield Bible and Zionism found at We Hold These Truths & Strait Gate Ministries website.

URL ADDRESS LINK of Presentation:


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