Saturday, August 29, 2009

Two Wonderful Guests

Ben showing us some great books


Ben is planning to move!
So we are trying to schedule
a going away party with his very special friends.

Ben is on the phone with one of the guys we want to come to the party.

Nick arrived a few hours after later...
We were glad to finally met our most faithful blog commenter.
He has been volunteering at a charity peach drying plant.

Nick with us

Nick shared his exotic teas.


Anonymous said...

What did you have in mind for ben's farewell? - Brian

Nick Jesch said...

Yes, it was great to finaly meet this wonderful family of "pixel people"!! Live and in the flesh, with voices, facial expressions, passions, curiosities.... such a short time, but so enjoyable. It was disappointing the menfolk were so busy preparing for their departure the next day, but I am still thankful we did get SOME time to meet and share.

It IS a bit uncanny to be there for the first time, having seen so many pictures of you all, in your home... a strange mix of "first impressions" and "I already know you all".

Here's hoping for another opportunity... sooner rather than later. Oh, and thank you SO much for the gracious hospitality, great food, and wonderful "blessings" of the fruit of your collective hands. Haven't had time yet to fully unpack the van, they are still inside it.... but I do look forward to enjoying them.

Anonymous said...

AH, the famous Nick Jesch that leaves so many comments on multiple blogs! So nice to finally be able to see the face that belongs to the name! :)
You all must have had a wonderful visit!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Brian, where does he think he's going to?? We have to be able to have him at future WCWCs! It wouldn't be the same if we didn't hear his joyful music blasting us in the morning!! :)

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