Letter to the Editor, May 10, 1990
According to Job 39:13-18, God gave the Ostrich no sense. she lays her eggs in the sand, unmindful that a foot may crush them.
Job contrasts her with the graceful and beautiful stork. she is a protective mother nesting in high branches. May God make us more like her.
We should not be too anxious to see children stripped away from ostrich-type mothers. Even these are better than institution care, except on very rare occasions, and less traumatic than the foster-care system, which shuffles children around every couple years, and dictates how to parent. The state is a worse parent, that has no constitutional right to tell anyone how to do it. The longer a child is institutionalized, the more likely he will have to be institutionalized as an adult.
Dr. James Dobson devoted three of his daily half-hour programs to good Christian parents telling their stories of the Child Protective Service taking away their children with no opportunity of a jury trial, because they call it a civil offense. Some did not even get to see their children for two years. The children were often picked up at school.
An excellent book on this is Mary Pride’s The Child Abuse Industry. The Industry are the administrators, state doctors and psychologists making sometimes $100 dollars an hour from stealing our children and indicting us.
If the CPS knocks on your door, require them to give a statement as to why they are there, record it on a battery-operated recorder outside the door. Do not invite them in. They will even “snoop around” in your refrigerator looking for evidence of neglect. Ask them to wait outside while you make some phone calls. Phone the CPS to make sure this person has officially been sent. Call your attorney, and all relatives, friends and neighbors who will come immediately. CPS is less likely to bother you if someone is on your side.
The CPS can steal your child with no more evidence than an anonymous phone call. Take your child to a police station. If you can get this to be a “criminal” offense, you will be entitled to a jury trial. Police look for real evidence of abuse, like broken bones, not just someone’s opinion of neglect. The CPS causes more far more emotional abuse than they cure.
After the police station take your child to your private physician to be looked over. His written statement as to your child’s condition can protect you in court. along with any pictures.
The place to get good counsel for raising children is from the Bible, A pastor, or Christian friends that have done it well. The CPS is gaining more control by placing their staff workers in public schools. They use “compassion” as an excuse for intruding into our personal lives, God is wise who generously offers children to parents, not to the state. The safest place for a child is with his original parents.
We give our taxes to the state, but not our children. It is our inscription, and our likeness on our children, not the state’s (Matthew 22:19-21).
I wrote the above after reading Mary Pride’s book but had no personal experience with CPS. Never had a letter to the editor solicited so many phone calls. It was amazing.
One gal had no family near so asked the CPS to look after her children for six weeks while she had surgery and time to recover. Afterwards was plagued by them.
Another told of nightmare problems adopting a child out of the foster care system.
A man told me his story of being taken away as a child because of an
alcoholic father. He was living with an aunt but had never again been able to find his siblings.
Very well written. CPS is not what they claim to be, they aren't there to protect the children, they are there for a paycheck. With many years of experience with the system (which is VERY broken), I have NO respect for them. They abuse the children, sometimes more than the parents ever did. I have also seen children taken from their mothers when their mother had gone to the doctor for help with depression. She deemed unfit, because she was having postpartum depression. I could go on and on. Thank you for this well written article.
You were a good foster mother and then adopted two out of foster care. So your affirmation is significant. Thank you!
It is very easy to criticise Child Protection Services however working in it is one of the most stressful jobs a person can do. I'm not familiar with the American system and cannot comment on it. I live in Ireland, the Social Workers I know work long hours under considerable pressure. I know what it is like to lie in bed at night worried about the safety of a child.I've stood in houses so filthy that one cannot sit down as every surface is soaked with urine.There are many sincere Christians who do this work. I know what it is like to visit a home where the father was so violent he regularily beat his severly autistic son. Social workers do very difficult work, they sometimes get it wrong but don't forget they also get it right.
I now work with families with disabled children. Life is not as simplistic as- all CPS workers are bad, all Christian parents are good.
There is a huge amount of immaturity in the world. Parents have not been raised to work with children, rather in age-segregated institutions. We need Christians to come along side mothers who are willing to get help. Babies are often taken at the hospital. Women are threatened that they will take their child if a mother did not have “pre-natal care.”
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