Sunday, March 14, 2010

Warning: “Conservatism” has been Re-defined, Watch out!

Who did it? How did it take place? On his radio program, July 12, 2004, Rush Limbaugh interviewed William F. Buckley. They both promptly began attacking the John Birch Society. Soon John McManus, President of the JBS, corrected Rush with the following:

In the interview, you saluted your guest as the “go-to guy for the definitions, the explanations of modern conservatism.” You are absolutely correct, but your emphasis should be on the word “modern.” Mr. Buckley took the Old Right conservatism of his father and many other fine Americans and transformed it into a movement that ignored the U.S. Constitution while favoring an array of positions championed by the socialists and internationalists of the liberal Establishment. His “modern” conservatism has included support for the Panama Canal giveaway, the United Nations, the Brady gun control bill, foreign aid, pornography, NAFTA, legalized prostitution, GATT, membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, even abortion. Buckley even advocated, “A totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores [and] centralization of power in Washington.”

So when you hear these politicians jockeying for a presidential bid and they never mention the Constitution think “neoconservative.” The standard for American conservatism is the Constitution.


Anonymous said...

Dick Armey was interviewed by Charlie Rose recently. He tried to distance himself from modern conservatism but he also said something to the effect that he has no association with JBS, as though it would be a bad thing. Rose really has a tough time hiding his political leanings in this interview and pulls a few dirty journalism tricks on Armey. Interview is interesting anyway.

Anonymous said...

Amen! The Standard is the constitution, and if I may add, primarily the Bible! ( at least it ought to be if it is not.)

Greg Perry said...

Rush is a guy one wants to like but he makes it so difficult.

Like when he once said, "What this country needs is God!!! And it doesn't matter WHAT God..."

Conservatives who think that Rush is conservative are not conservatives.

Tony Konvalin said...

Sadly professing Christians want to grab onto anyone or anything that seems “conservative”, whatever that means. Since most do not have an objective and sufficient standard to base their choices on they will gravitate to whatever it is they see as important to them. Until the professing church realizes the Bible, all of it, is the only objective and sufficient standard they will grab at whatever is shinny and seems to appease their desires for the time.

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