Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Bible Vs. The Book Of Mormon (Complete)

Joseph Smith had 34 wives, some were 14 years old,

others were already married ladies that he took from other men.


William Scott Mc Cafferty said...

There is a book that is being sold, 3913 changes in the Book of Mormon, here is some fascinating facts by Charlie Campbell


Jessica Chilous said...

I had been in contact with a Mormon missionary a few months ago and it was very interesting. He was very kind, but a lot of what he was saying was bizarre to me. He sent me a book of mormon and I couldn't even finish it due to the conflicts with all I knew to be in the Bible! It was quite an experience.

Nick Jesh said...

Years ago some friends convinced me to read the Book of Mormon, and gave me a copy. They assured me it does not conflict with the bible, but complements it, I started out fine, but when I got to the bit about the angel giving Joe those funny glasses so he could read the pages, I began to question the whole thing.
Figured I'd better actually READ the bible so I'd be able to tell if the other book got off. For the first time I read the bible cover to cover and never went back to that other book. Not long after I acknowledged Jesus Christ as MY Lord.
What was that angel's name, anyway? Something like Baloni, wasn't it?

Esther said...

Nick, was "angel's" name was Maroni?
I heard the book of Mormon was a novel stolen by Joseph Smith to which he added his name and phony story of how he acquired it.

Douglas L. Yarbrough said...

It's really strange to me that Mormanism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world last I heard. Of course people tend to make religions out of even stranger things today I guess that's not too hard to believe at that. (UFOs, Ghosts, Psycics, New Ageism, etc.)

Amy Hester said...

I think if an angel showed up with a name like MORONi, I would be kinda suspicious. Seriously, would God create a beautiful celestial being with the word moron in it's name?

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