Thursday, September 2, 2010

Congressman Larry McDonald

The #1 expert in America on terrorist groups, J.B.S. President, Congressman Larry McDonald, voted consistently with Ron Paul. They were the only two doctors voting 'No' to mandatory vaccinations. He was targeted by Communist-Soviet fighters and shot down near Sakhalin Islands aboard Korean Airliner KAL007 Sept. 1, 1983.

Congressman Larry McDonald stood uncompromising on the Law of God as the foundation of Western freedom.

Ronald Reagan was in the White-house, yet no federal investigation was made.


Charles Howard Hartman said...

Read and weep, the untold story, some say,
The Case for Passenger Survival and Abduction:

Becky Morecraft said...

He was a close friend of ours. My husband preached at his funeral in Marietta and we attended the memorial in DC...we miss him...he was a true statesman. He was the only seated congressional representative ever to write a book on the Constitution...

Nick Jesch said...

Found a book a couple of years ago, written perhaps 20 years afterward. VERY thoroughly researched. Gave probable cause to support the author's theory this man is why the flight was shot down.... along with another who made a last minute plane change in Alaska before this plane left. Transcripts of air to air, and air to ground radio transmissions, translated from the Russian and Korean, leave no doubt the plane was in international airspace.... detailed the "search" for the Black Box... which the author believes was found and taken by the US investigators... who never released the contents. VERY gripping story, well written. Can't remember the name of it, something including KAL 007.....

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