Friday, September 3, 2010

Parasite Cleanse

Parasites are more prevalent problem than I knew. My doctor says they are easy to pick up from pets, rare meat, walking barefoot near pet waste or simply sharing things with someone who has them. According to my research, parasites cause issues ranging from rashes to Crohn's Disease, to hormonal problems. The "hormonal problems" interested me because that is one reason for miscarriage.

Parasite waste must be eliminated from the body, causing a toxic burden. They also can lay thousands of eggs in their lifetimes. I used to think of parasites as worms that dogs get, but they can be microscopic in the blood.
Shoshanna (Pearl) Easling just released this video explaining how to formulate remedies that, she says, are proven to kill more than 100 different parasites.


Mandy Sanchez said...

Wow! Very informative, and she makes it so easy!

Lanita Peer Noa said...

I love Shoshanna's videos, they are always very informative and entertaining. She has such a passion for herbs and how they can help people.

Nick Jesch said...

In reading of life in colonial and pioneer times, as the west (starting in places like Kentucky, believe it or not.. that used to be "out west") I learned that they would gather certain plants and herbs in season and incorporate them into their diet. Seems those plants had medicinal and curative properties that were specific to the threats of each season. Some of them lived to VERY ripe old ages, in times when medicine was pretty crude and unavailable. I forget the details now, but it wouldn't take much to unearth it all again. I think they got a lot of that lore from the indian peoples whom they befriended. Interesting that such things are undergoing a resurgence these days, and that the government is vigorously working to control the distribution, sale, and use of any such things under the guise of "protecting"us. (ah, but WHO will protect us from THEM?)

Michelle Jobe said...

Just an added note, estrogen (which we already have too much from the birth control pill in our waters which they can't eliminate) will also cause problems with getting pregnant and many other problems. Estrogen comes from plastic bottles and pesticides. Just heard this. Thanks for the parasite cleanse. We do them as a family regularly. It is so easy to pick up from restaurants or other ways as mentioned.

Pam Barcroft said...

As a long time herbalist, i know these remedies to be very effective. I hadn't thought about grinding the whole cloves fresh to use this way. This is great. I do this with my molcahete and cooking spices and it makes a big difference in my cooking. The oils also do not get rancid in the whole seed, which when ground causes bitterness just sitting in the cupboard. I have learned some about putting up my own tinctures. I do this with hot peppers. I trust in this type of medicine much more than pharmaceuticals. I also have liked the bulk herb site. Thanks for putting this up.

Holly Gray said...

Thanks for the post!

Nick Jesch said...

I've used a blade type coffee mill (that has never had coffee in it) for grinding ALL my spices and herbs for cooking. Yes, it is the oils, sealed within the seed, that do most of the work. Once ground, they are exposed to air and begin oxidizing. Not only does this reduce flavor and potency, many of the rancid oils cause other problems. That is why using whole bean coffee, and grinding a couple of minutes before brewing, makes such a difference. I have found a number of people who have had their doctors say "no more coffee, that's the cause of your headaches, reflux, whatever", when they switch to fresh roasted and freshly ground can again enjoy their coffee with none of the nasty side effects.

Its amazing how many "little things" have been lost to the industrial and marketing system. The concept of fresh is one of them.

I do wish that video had had more specifics... no information about any of the parasites to be treated, how to tell if one has any of them, and nothing about usage, dosage, or potency of the tincture. I suppose, now knowing the three main things to use, one can always experiment... I can't see any of these things being harmful.

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