Thursday, September 2, 2010

When The North Invaded America

"Far from being the cause of the War,

slavery was merely the pretext for revolution;"

Steve Wilkins speaking on

the war of Northern Aggression.

posted by Lance


Douglas L. Yarbrough said...

+1. The War of Northern Aggression was to make not just the South but the entire American Union into a colony for New England or the American System of Hamilton/Lincoln that builds Interstate Highways over us to this day while passing against property rights under the pretext of "saving the Environment" or "smoke free zones" or "gun free zones"

Esther said...

Doug, you lost me. Please explain.

Douglas L. Yarbrough said...

What I am talking about is explained extensively in a lot of Thomas DiLorenzo's books as well as in John Dwyer's book The War Between the States (just to name a few recent books). In a nutshell an element in the so-called Federalist faction of the Founding Fathers (who should be more accurately called centralists) lead chiefly by Alexander Hamilton who's vision for America was to be, at some level or another, a great economic empire controlled by a central government. What was called "The American System" The Federalist later evolved over time into the Whig Party and then later the Republican Party. The notable heirs to this vision and way of thinking were men like Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and of course Abraham Lincoln.
Whereas the Anti-Federalists and more moderate Federalists saw America as a Union of sovereign states and communities with their own identity and destinies and feared a central goverment (such as one they had broken away from in England), these proponents of the American System like Hamilton, Clay, Lincoln etc. loved government because of the power it gave them to do "great things" and "make America great"

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