Monday, December 20, 2010


 Socialism has a poor record when it comes to eliminating problems: its answer adds up to eliminating people. Socialism destroys production while it breeds the least desirable elements.  Socialism always faces over population; a free economy does not. 
~R J Rushdoony


Jeremy Walker said...

Do you know where I can get a copy of this book. I've been wanting to read it.

Regina said...

Jeremy, you might check It is out of print.

Betty Seufert said...

LOVED that book!

Beth Braun said...

I believe alibris has it:

Mike Schroepfer said...

Socalism is based on covetousness. It can only last as long as it takes to run out of other people's money. And we're there now.

Jed Crary said...

While I agree incompetently run command economies will blame anything before admitting incompetence, nevertheless there is a limit to what earth can provide. Many Christians don't expect to be here long enough to see any of those problems. Don't worry if humans can't solve their population problem, nature will.

Esther said...

For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, As the waters cover the sea. ~Habakkuk 2:14 NKJ
That may take a while, Jed. ~Es

Beth Braun said...

Emphasize the WILL BE in that verse. Not might, possibly, or maybe. Hallelujah!

Nick Jesch said...

Just ordered a used copy from Amazon, 8 bucks and free shipping (when I added a couple more items from my wish list). Two other used available for $4, plus $4 shipping from other vendors.... and one at $17....

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