Lance & I on the plane headed to North Carolina Family Economics Conference where Chad Roach/Kevin Swanson had invited us to speak in a Family Business panel. ~Dinah
Outside of Portland, Oregon.
Flying over Portland
Christy Hensley prepared for an overseas adoption, got a call that a mother just delivered a newborn in Florida and wanted to give her up. Since she went while the mother was still in the hospital an attorney did the paperwork without an adoption agency. Christy named her Hadassa because she was born around the time of Purim. I'd love to have a little one like this. ~Dinah
Scott & Deborah
hosted about 45 in their home
after they put on the Sunday church meal.
Courter sisters in red are part of a family manufacturing business in the solar industry from Tennessee are in photo with Lacie & Laura Verret from Texas.
Lance and Dinah had great conversations about just war, national Israel, George Bush...with Aaron & Josiah Courter.
Binkley Chapel
Sunday morning Hope Baptist Church met at the Binkley Chapel to host the crowd. Kevin Swanson delivered a powerful message on the law of God. He quoted from Rom. 14:17 "The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking. It is righteousness, joy and peace in the holy spirit." Where there is war, that is not the kingdom. War is not a blessed time.
Joshua & Jim with Lance
Verret Family hosted us for the weekend
transporting us to the conference
lunch, church and out to the
Scott and Deborah Brown home for Sun. evening.
Scott & Deborah, with a heart for hospitality included comfy chairs in their kitchen. We were delighted when the beans and cornbread were ready.
You can talk with a friend or nurse your baby in the kitchen.
Here is the sitting room before their big living room.
This house is designed for many conversations.
Here's the living room with the swing fastened to the right that can swing right over the dining table. About 45 of us gathered there hosted by Scott & Deborah. Scott concluded the evening by gathering us for a time of singing.
They built a barn, then decided it would make a great house. The master bedroom is in the hay loft.
Here is the grandparents (Scott's parents) suite,
off the sitting room in a remodeled garage.
Grandparent's own living Room
There are lots of beds in the loft for good times together with friends. We've heard of this house, now we got to see it. Hospitality changes the world.
Kevin & I enjoyed talking
about family business,
taking care of Grandpa
who built bee boxes at age 89.
He told me about his father.
Connie Verret with the youngest Miller.
The Verret family is a great blessing, an answer to our prayers. The minute we got out of our taxi from the airport, we met the Verret family and enjoyed many meals together. They took us to the conference each day, out for lunch, to church and out to the Scott & Deborah Brown home.
The Miller family have the Golden Rule Air Conditioning and Heating business in Houston, Texas. Their son Joshua chose to work with his family rather than as an air force pilot. I discussed war with him (Ps. 68). I heard he had gotten out of the air force, and was delighted we could go to lunch together.
I had the honor and blessing of traveling with my sister, Dinah. We had a wonderful time meeting so many people
on the airline and at the conference. I wish we could have gotten pictures of all the friends with whom we enjoyed conversations over this memorable weekend.
Jackie was our gracious hostess who got up at 2:30,
took us to the airport at 3 A.M.
We also enjoyed talks with
her husband, Dan
who takes care of his parents
about 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Our family really enjoyed the conference and all of you who put your time and effort into making it so worthwhile for all of us that attended.
Thanks for sharing these nice photos.
We so enjoyed meeting you and hearing you speak. We are regular visitors to your site and find it to be so informative and encouraging. And what a surprise to see our little Hadassah Rose pictured here. We feel like celebrities! We hope to meet again someday. Until then perhaps you would like to visit our website sometime
Again, what a pleasure it was to meet you.
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