Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fourteen Good Years With Jodavid

We pray you will be a man of the Word.

Jodavid's Dedication Day

Wagon Rides for Heather & Melody 

Jodavid loved seeing Fama & Joshua and his very first   nephew, Joseph

Hike to a Mineral King Cave 

Vacuuming the Tile

 Checking the Level
Learningto Mow 
Having something to eat while flat tires were replaced on the way back from the big Jamestown 400 year celebration

 Teaching Melody to Rodinate Squirrels

then a visit with Grandma in the hospital.
 A Precise Work

Hanging Out on the Rings

Cousin Jonathan
 Our pollen patty mixer arrived 
while Ross & Carter filmed Colony.
What house is complete 
without an elevator?
Chess men are still fun when the game is over.

Clean Up

Bull Frogs
 Burnside's Bridge
Rescuing Anthia, a Damsel 
(whose parents were) in Distress 

Jodavid's Special Almond/Rice Milk 
Queen Rearing with Dinah

Shakespeare's Birds

Adorable Andrew

A Multi-Level Parking Lot
 Little Man in His Element

Our Scribe
 Fun with Ross
Scooters at Aunt Sharron's 

 Evaluating the Work Ahead
Jamba Juice

 Ross Test Driving Jodavid's Invention
Preparing to Pour Cement

Reading to Fiona

 Perfect Window
 Learning Monopoly
Screening a Vent 

Blessed by Dinah Reading Pilgrim's Progress
Taking Grandma back
 after Cousin Mark & Dovey's wedding.

 Jodavid built a zip line.
Our Youngest Beekeeper

Built for Work

Stuck in the Mud 

Jump Starting the Tractor
Worthy of Honor
Family & Friends 
Forklift Operator 
 Ready for Morning Devotions
Moving Bees Out of Oranges


Anonymous said...

Wow, he sure is growing up quickly. Time has flown by. He is quite the young man and what a hard worker. You are truly blessed with Jodavid.

Happy birthday, Jodavid. May God bless you with this next year as you continue to grow into the man God created you to be.

Bruce Brady said...

Happy Birthday, Jodavid! May God give you many more!

Jim Steed said...

Happy Birthday, L'il Bro! :-)

Jayne Perry said...

It is a delightful pictorial journal!

Deborah Grant said...

Happy Birthday, Jodavid!!

Nick Jesch said...

Woopos, I guess I'm a few days late.... been "on the road again" and out of touch. No matter... happy birthday, Jodavid... I certainly appreciate you a lot.... man of many questions, few of which are unworthy of attention. You are one of the best learners I've met. And I appreciate your quick mind to figure things out. And your amazing senxe of fun!! Live is NEVER boring when YOU're around. Thanks, lil' Buddy!!

hey, how did things go with the tractor problems? Never head anything more, so I guess you got it sorted out. I hope so.

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