View of LA from the 30th story of the AT&T Building
from one of the many venders present.
Biography of John Birch is one of many available.
JBS Book Table
JBS CEO, Art Thompson speaking at nullification conf.
Some seem to worship the Constitution. We are Constitutionalists insofar as the Constitution is Biblical. Our rights come from God. He secures our rights, yet every generation must fight to preserve our God-given rights.
and The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.
A senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, he holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard and his master’s, M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Columbia University.
Through historical writings, case studies, and speeches by the Founding Fathers, Woods will give you a logical, moral, and constitutionally sound case for nullification, revealing:
- How we can roll back Obamacare, cap and trade, and other unconstitutional expansions of federal power through nullification
- Why the Founding Fathers believed that nullification was the “moderate middle ground”
- Why the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution reserves to the states the power to nullify unconstitutional laws
- Why states – not the Supreme Court – should arbitrate disputes between the states and the federal government over the constitutionality of the federal government’s actions. ~from Tom Woods Site
Next time you are in LA ya'll should drop by and say "hi' :)
I like it Dinah!
Obamacare is only for card carrying socialists - if they want it who am I to stop it, its a free county after all...
according to the letter of the law as passed, Obamacare is for ALL of us, and they will arrest and fine us if we don't get on board. It is a free country, but a free country UNDER THE LAW.... and the Constitution leaves NO authority to the Federal Government to meddle with health care, let alone FORCE citizens to purchase a specific product. What is far worse than the "healthcare" bill itself is the shredding of the law of the land it does, and the evil and underhanded wai in which it was rammed through the "legislative" process.
when you tendered your application (contract) for Social Security Benefits (SS Number) Obama Care is an added benefit. No SSN, no benefits, no requirments. Ofcourse they can fine and arrest you if you do not keep your contractural obligation.
its still a free country-when they require me to join their socialist security club-we'll just call it what it is; THE MARK OF THE BEAST. Would you trade Liberty for Social Security? I will not !!!
Hmmm.. first I've heard anything of Obamacare being tied to Social Security payments. The worst beef could be got out of that scenario would be unilateral change in terms of the original SS contact. The real beef,according to the court filings, is that the federal government are forcing individual citizens to purchase a commercial good... medical insurance// that meets THEIR requirements. They claim this falls under their purview airsing from the "interstate commerce clause", which is utterly ridiculous on its face, and worse yet when one digs deeper. The federal government have no power to dictate terms or conditions for interstate commerce... only to assure it goes on unimpeded between the various sovereign states. Several federal level courts have thus far declared the "personal mandate" requirement of Obamacare unconstitutional, thus null and void... and one court declared that since the whole of it hangs on the mandate clause, the whole thing is null and void. We shall see what the black robed nine, including the "wise latina judge" have to say about it. No question it will come before them. At least four of those officials know upon which side THEIR bread is well-buttered, and shall "find" accordingly.
As to forcing their hand, sure.. that may well be what it takes. When they incarcerate a few million "rebels" for refusing to participate, they'll have a hard go of it working out how to house and feed us. But, I rather think there might be better ways of foiling their miserable plans yet remaining at liberty....
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