Monday, June 6, 2011

Breanna's Baby Shower

God has used Lifesaver
Terri Palmquist to prevent the 
murder of hundreds of pre-born infants
over the past twenty-five years. 
Breanna loved all the baby lotions
and teased that these are for herself.
 A Beautiful Little Pink Dress
 Julie was content with her husband's three children
 from a previous marriage, 
but God changed her heart 
to welcome from His hand
all the blessings He is so gracious to give.
 The ladies encouraged Breanna with their stories.
 Breanna asked the ladies to come back again.
The girls were a great help cleaning up,
after lunch and dessert. 
Ashley made coconut bars that made
Breanna ready to keep her.
 Julie and family delighted Breanna with 
a play pen that she had longed for.
Jan shared that God saved her at age 31.
God changed her husband's heart towards not preventing pregnancies and allowing the Lord to give them as many children as He would desire.  Jan had prayed for years that God would change her husband's heart and God did that in a powerful way! 
 Breanna said you can see "God got me,
and changed my heart,"
since she went in for an abortion,
but is now planning to give birth to the baby
[and hoping for another boy].
Carrie from Covenant Presbyterian in Bakersfield made the cake.
 Janelle served it.
Janelle was helpful with the gifts
while Breanna kept us in stitches
teasing her about making off with them.
Breanna showed the New Testament "Love Letters" 
from her mother, that she is reading.
Thank you all for praying for Breanna, 
sending her gift cards and bringing presents.


Bruce Brady said...

Yahoo! Praise God!

Lanita Noa said...

I pray for this new blessing that God is giving to her.

Nick Jesch said...

This is a wonderful testamony to God's goodness... not only in changine Breanna's heart about her baby, but in showing her His love for her and her child in practical and real ways. THIS is the Body of Christ in action..... BEING His hands, heart, strength, toward this woman. Far more is happening in Breanna's life than just the decision to keep her baby rather than kill it for convenience. I believe her eyes and heart are being opened to see God's Kingdom, come indeed to this earth. I hope this is the beginning of a new "phase" of her life..... I trust it is. Thanks for sharing this..... it is very encouraging.

Sara's Husband said...

Praise the Lord! Praying for you and Breanna, Dinah!

Esther said...

Breanna may have Dinah with her at the hospital during her labor & delivery.

Bruce Brady said...

When is Breanna's baby due?

Esther said...

July 12

Anita Feldsman said...

May the Lord Bless this little one and Mum.

Sara's Husband said...

We'll keep Breanna in our prayers for labor and delivery!!

Sara said...


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