Tuesday, June 14, 2011

R. J. Rushdoony

~It needs more than ever to be stressed that the best & truest educators are parents under God. The greatest school is the family. The moral training of the child, the discipline of good habits, is an inheritance from the parents to the child which surpasses all others. The family is the first & basic school of man.


Deborah said...


David & Erika said...

Very true however the responsibility specifically of the FATHER must be emphasized as paramount.

Lydia said...

AMEN! SO true.

Larry Bray said...

That's one of the reasons we see the early church focusing on discipling adults rather than children. The Church trains the parents so that they are equipped to train their children.
Too much focus on Vacation Bible School and such....teaching kids and then sending them back to their pagan families.

Shellie said...

True statement!!Very touchy subject, even among evangelicals today.This subject and divorce seem to get the ruffles up on many a christian!!:(

Deborah said...

So true Mr. Bray!!

Charles said...

Families are good if 'goodly,' but if not, the church is the backup for everything. It's adoption, not genetics.

Larry Bray said...

All things are only good if used goodly...including the church

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