PressTV - Quick Facts: Who is Ron Paul?
“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and Your dominion
endures throughout
all generations.
The Lord is faithful
in all His words
and kind
in all His works.”
Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are His. And why one? Because He was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of the Lord
The groom, a young widower and farmer, had recently landed in
John Rolfe, along with the governor, discipled Pocahontas, read to her from the Bible, and taught her to read and memorize scripture. She professed faith in Christ and was baptized, renouncing her former paganism – a demonic worship that included child sacrifice.
Their wedding, blessed by her father, brought peace between the settlers and Indians, called “the Peace of Pocahontas.”
Both bride and groom were used by God to establish a colony based on Christianity. Virginia Governor, John Smith, said that, “God made Pocahontas” and credited her with saving the settlement. “[S]he next, under God, was still the instrument to preserve this colony from death, famine and utter confusion.”
John Rolfe would save the colony economically by developing the major cash crop, tobacco. Through difficulty starting a new colony he refused to be discouraged calling
Theirs is one of
Ron Paul 2012!!
killing for "peace"
Yes, he would and he would end a lot of other unnecessary junk like all 10th ammendment ABC unconstitutional groups, like all unconstitutional "wars", like the ridiculous foreign aid to ALL the mideast, etc. etc. If not Ron then Rand, if not Rand then Robert...NOW!
John, I don't know if you were referring to what I said. I mean the wars right now which are unconstitutional are killing wars for "peace". I would love for him to get us out of this mess. Our troops should not be requested to give their lives to serve as police officers in other countries.
I agree that the current wars are both unconstitutional and immoral. I DON'T believe that they are "for oil". If that were true, we would have demanded that the Iraqi government pay us restitution in the form of oil, for their "liberation". That has not happened.
But I still don't understand how Christians can support a man who professes to be a Christian (like Bush did), but does not believe that sodomy is a sin, and voted to let sodomites serve openly in the military. If any regular person came to you and professed that he was a Christian, and then said to you, "I don't believe homosexuality is wrong, people are just born that way.", would you simply accept that as a Christian position?
I am beginning to believe that the reason for this war is to take out the current leaderships and replace them with more radical Islamic leaders since that is what is happening.
I believe the reason for this war is that the Gospel is going forth in Muslim countries likely more than ever before. God is being merciful to them as they are getting more of a chance to hear about Jesus.
Susan, our government has destroyed military chaplain's Bibles in order not to offend Muslims.
An Iranian brother in our congregation had to flee for his life. He said Saddam Hussain was a bad man, but Christians were left alone. After the US removed him, Muslims are targeting Christians more than ever. ~Regina
We used to send missionaries to save nations, now we send armies. We believe in salvation by force, violence and blood atonement. This is a pagan notion, not a biblical notion.
I don't see it, Susan. All I see is Christian missionaries being murdered by Muslims, not evangelizing them.
I understand what you are saying and am aware of it...but in the mean time the Gospel is quietly going forth in those nations. They meant it for evil to bomb us, God is going to use it for good and the war won't be over until the last person is saved who is suppose to be.
In the NT times the more the Christian's were persecuted the more they multiplied.
Any evangelization that is going on in Muslim countries is going on in SPITE of the war, not as a positive bi-product of it.
Bruce, Ron Paul not only voted for the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," but he also refuses to say that sodomy is a sin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIeW0DY64bE
Yes, I know. I posted a note and tagged Ron Paul Supporters with this information, but thus far the only defense of him is that he is "better than anybody else". I don't think that is a proper standard for believers to exercise their God-given franchise. Here is the note I posted:
FYI: "Ron Paul and the Homosexual Problem": https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=483748017884
While he refused to say that sodomy is a sin, and voted to repeal DADT, he does not believe in so-called same sex marriage. "Like the majority of Iowans, I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman and must be protected." http://theiowarepublican.com/home/2011/02/24/ron-paul-condemns-obama’s-decision-to-abandon-doma/
Also, given in this blog are links to bills Paul introduced or sponsored. http://wwjv4.com/republicans/10-reasons-not-to-vote-for-ron-paul-159
Notably H.R. 7955, Family Protection Act: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d096%3AHR07955%3A%40%40%40D&summ2=m&
Direct quote from the bill: “Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style.”
12 hours ago · Like
DADT was a wrong, because any practicing sodomite should be executed.
Of course, Melody, but that is not the reason that RP voted for repeal.
Hosanna, I listened to Ron Paul's answers in the most recent presidential debate. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZDaq0Vw8Iw See @ 7:21-9:00--this is not the answer of someone who supports traditional marriage.
We supported Ron because he was boldly teaching on some of the greatest crimes of our day. We have not researched Roy Moore recently. We will continue to use Dr. Paul's quotes and videos because they address the battles of inflation and war. If Judge Moore puts out you tubes worth posting I am sure we will sharing those too. These campaigns are tremendous discipleship opportunities and should not be wasted.
The way we spend our money tells where our heart is. Ron Paul does not support ungodly regulations, like telling people who they must hire etc. He would never give a dollar to Planned Parenthood as Bush did to the tune of 265 million, HR 3061.
Esther, I disagreed with many things Bush did. I don't think he is our standard as a biblically qualified candidate. But, neither is Ron Paul; he may be better than others but he falls short in many areas. Is "liberty" our goal as theonomists or is freedom under God's law? If the latter, then explain to me how we can promote a candidate who thinks "we can't impose our values on others" and who is a dedicated pluralist.
While the details don't really affect the principle of the thing, (the morality of killing 10 people being no different then killing 10,000), I would like to know where you obtained the figure of over a million. If I remember correctly in the past Ron Paul has given a figure that was in the hundreds of thousands. A million would be 3% of the population, which is huge. What is the reference for that number.
Excellent discussion here on if Christians should vote for Ron Paul as "the best candidate" - As one who personally respects Ron Paul and considered voting for him, after hearing him be unable to say God calls sodomy sin, I was pleased to find Judge Roy Moore form an exploratory committee on running for President:
Ron Paul is the only candidate who will get us out of the insane spending rate, out of war in a new country every year, out of the push for huge government, out of open borders to illegal immigrants. The only question I had was - will he support Israel? We have to support Israel or we are doomed. Not sure that Ron does from is statements of getting out or all the places we are in war. I was not aware of the statement on sodomy. Thanks for the information. Problem is there are no candidates who will vote like we want on all christian principles. We have been voting for the supposedly lesser of two bad candidates for years. i don't believe the press will give Ron any chance of winning next election anyway. The country is going to need a good man soon or it is all lost.
Fred, Ron believes the nation of Israel should be treated with respect as all nations should. He states that the US gives more foreign aide to Israel's enemies than we do to Israel and should stop both.
Whether or not Ron Paul believes that homosexuality is a sin, does not necessarily determine his ability as president. It demonstrates that he might not be a great pastor or interpreter of scripture. Although, I think his point is that homosexuality is no more of a sin than adultry is. The issue here is that the Federal Government has no authority to interfere in these matters.
Here is an article on the Lancet estimate:
U.S. Media Ignores Estimate of 1 Million Iraqi Deaths
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