Saturday, November 29, 2014

Healthiest Diet

We love these two: Dr. McDougall & Dr. Fuhrman. 
Here they duke it out over their differences. 
Both are excellent.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Uniting Peter & Melody

One Wonderful Wedding Video

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Iona's Baptism

Any attempt to deprive infants of the right of membership, 
is a virtual attempt to set aside the laws of God.
The church being essentially the same under both dispensations, 
and baptism having been substituted for circumcision as the initiatory rite, 
it followed, as a matter of course, 
that infants still retained the right of membership,
 and consequently were baptized. 
~Ashbel G. Fairchild, Scripture Baptism, Its Mode and Subjects 
There is but one church,
one people of God,
extending from the beginning to the end of time. 
It's membership consists of believers and their households. 
~Robert Booth

If the church is one under both dispensations; 
if infants were members of the Church under the theocracy, 
then they are members of the church now, 
unless the contrary can be proved. 
~Charles Hodge

A church feast
Two Proud Grandmothers
Iona's Family
Iona Smiles
Peter pointed out that in an early church council of Carthage,
around the year 253 AD,
where Cyprian was one of the chief characters in the discussion,
it was decided that an infant is not required to be 
eight days old before he can be baptized.
Happily Married

Wednesday, November 19, 2014