Saturday, April 19, 2008

Invisible Rulers

"Modern man has a will to fiction. His basic reality is his imagination, and he lives out his life in his imagined world instead of reality.

Is it harmless to live a lie? Never before in all of history have people lived so extensively in terms of their dream worlds rather than reality. They watch television...movies, read fiction and believe that the world of their imagination is better than God's reality.

When an artist asked permission to paint Cromwell’s portrait, Cromwell granted it on the condition that he be painted warts and all…We want to be seen as we imagine ourselves to be.

Our God is a consuming fire. Too many…reduce God to Father Christmas.

Because we do not live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4) we are the victims of our sins, and of those who choose to exploit our sins. The prerequisites of all blessings from God include the confession of sin…

When men and nations persist in sin and avoid confession, they become self-righteous and Pharisaic. They insist in living in illusions about themselves, i.e., in living a lie, in an insistence that their private fictions are public realities. We have a world today passionately devoted to its fictions.

If we do not take the fall of man and original sin seriously…We will then become good Pharisees, denouncing evil in someone else. If we believe in the fall and man’s original sin, his will to be his own god (Gen. 3:5), then we identify the real problem, and we see its locale: in all of us. We know the remedy, Jesus Christ, and we know that His will must be done, so that His Kingdom may come. That will of the Lord is set forth in every word of the Bible. That book tells us, “Thou art the man,” but it gives us the power to work, as the invisible rulers who will not rule. We find it much easier to blame others."

The Roots of Reconstruction p. 401 R.J. Rushdoony

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