Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life is But a Vapor

Here is a entry from Howard Phillips' blog http://www.howardphillips.com/archive1107.htm:


by Howard Phillips Nov. 21, 2007

God determines the hour and the occasion for our passing, and it is not for us to question His decisions.

We, nonetheless, must grieve at the death of Michael Billings, who at the age of 19, was an accomplished theologian, activist, and leader. A scholar in residence at my son, Doug’s Vision Forum, he helped train interns and was as much an expert on the writings of Dr. R. J. Rushdoony as any other living person.

The son of Dr. and Mrs. Michael Billings of Missouri, Michael impressed me from the moment I met him. All the way back in 1992 when he was a bit more than four years old, Michael, together with his parents, was on the streets collecting signatures for my Presidential candidacy as the nominee of the then U.S. Taxpayers Party.

Michael died on November 4 in a car accident as he was returning to San Antonio from a R. C. Sproul conference in Dallas, Texas. He died instantly when his spinal cord was badly injured after his Volkswagon Jetta was hit on the driver’s side by another vehicle legally doing 70 miles per hour. Michael was emerging from an intersection not far from Austin, Texas.

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