Sunday, April 6, 2008

Notes from: The Roots of Reconstruction

R.J. Rushdoony on Children

“The first and basic premise of paganism, socialism, and Moloch worship is its claim that the state owns the child. The basic premise of the public schools is this claim of ownership, a fact that some parents are encountering in the courts. It is the essence of paganism to claim first the lives of the children, and then the properties of the people...How can we expect God to honor us, or bless us, when we give our children to the state schools and surrender their minds daily to the teaching of humanism? It is sin to and madness to believe so, and those who try to justify their sin only increase it. The true believer will like Hannah (I Samuel 1:27f), see children as a gift from the Lord, to be given to the Lord as long as they live.”

~ pg. 10


Rushdoony, The Eschatology of Death

“Dying cultures block out tomorrow, having no confidence in their ability to cope with growth and the problems of growth. Dying Greece and dying Rome both saw themselves as overpopulated and overwhelmed with peoples and problems, and so too does our modern, dying statist humanism feel. It talks desperately about zero population growth and zero economic growth, because behind such thinking is a zero future, an intellectual and religious bankruptcy...the dying live but for the moment, because they have no future. Converted into formal philosophy, the name of such a state of anticipated death is existentialism. For the existentialist philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, man is a futile passion who wills to be a god but is faced with the certainty of death."

~pg. 15

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