Thursday, June 26, 2008

Freedom Generation 2008

Dawn at Camp Keola,
while our Polar Bears hiked back from the water front.
Lance read Acts 17 at flag pole.

"He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their habitation."

Cabin 18 raising our flag.
Mr. McBride, a Green Beret and Neptune Plumbing owner, instructs.

Mr. McBride taught three classes. His family's service and hospitality are great blessings.

We must not send our young men out to give their lives for nothing.
Dinah was caught coming late for breakfast.

Dad gives the first class, One Nation Under God. The camp Braveheart brought back his bride.

Maggie is a true completer for Dana.

VisitingDecor Expressing Faith in Christ

Dad taught boxing in the afternoon.
Thursday volleyball: Campers vs. counselors.

Miss Fang shared her family story of fleeing Communist China.
She is a radiant example of serving God with her whole heart.

Dinah enjoyed discussing feminism with Miss Fast, a first time visitor. Singing at Campfire
Lance closed the evening with Psalm 112.
"Blessed is the man who fears the LORD
Who delights greatly in His commandments.
His descendants will be mighty on the earth
the generation of the upright will be blessed."
Volleyball in progress. Lance gave the Communist Manifesto talk to the advanced class,

a talk I gave when I was 20:).

Lance covered a different angle than usual, showing the direct influence of Communist Revolutionaries in our Civil War. The Manifesto was published in 1848, contributing to revolutions all over Europe. When they failed there, many Marxists came here like Under Secretary of War, Charles A. Dana.

Some became generals in the Northern army.

Their Marxist philosophy led to implementing the progressive income tax, inheritance tax, confiscation of land of "rebels," the government school (all schools previously were either private or city but never federal) and property taxes -- all planks of the Communist Manifesto.

Lance was later awarded Mr. Camper of the Year at the Friday Award Ceremony. ~R

6:22 AM
Dinah the dauntless joins the Polar Bears. My girls: Katheleen, Isabella, Julia,Victoria, Melody, Dinah & Christine
I accused Mr. Antonio of handpicking me the best girls in camp.

Kathleen and her sisters are from a family of 10 children.

Victoria recieved Miss Camper of the Year for her faithful entheusiastic participation.

When I walked into the girls bathroom on Thursday, Vand J were in seperate showers, quizzing each other on the properties of real money for their test the next day.

Lord, teach us to follow you in each situation. Pastor Campbell graciously drove up the hill to give the Civilian Disarmament class. He explained the often misunderstood commandment “Thou shalt not kill” means Thou shalt not murder. Exodus 20 gives the Ten Commandments and the very next page, Exodus 21, God’s people are commanded to have a murderer executed.

For every negative command there is a positive. For instance “Thou shall not steal,” means that it is good to have private property. So “Thou shall not kill” means that we should preserve life. This was made abundantly clear in Colorado last year when a crazy man went into a mega church after shooting up the Youth With A Mission center. He had a backpack full of ammunition to attack the worshiping Christians. A young woman had armed herself after their pastor encouraged the congregation to do so. She shot the attacker, who then took his own life. In shooting back, this young woman saved perhaps hundreds of lives.

Jesus was clear on self defense – if you don’t have a sword then sell your cloak and buy one. Holocausts have always been proceeded by disarming the people.

Jill and Baby Andrew with Melody

Chess with Mitchell

Melody's thumbs are well bandaged after she worked up blisters racing Dinah in a kayak. Without the truth, we become captives.

Cabin reports. A campfire favorite and entertaining competition. The scavenger hunt. Miss Orange (who arrived Miss Lynch, but loves the color orange)
wrote up this hunt in 24 hours. It was quite the challenge.
Cabins had to work together with no help from staff.
Cabin 19 pulled a head, winning an after campfire pizza party.
Honor God in Everything
Josh Murphy has died, he said, but Mr. Murphy is here to stay. He no longer sold candy bars and chapstick on commission. Mr. M gave great divotionals at campfire, led in singing, humor and Miss Benoit's Changing the World You Live in Talk. Mr. Murphy pointed out that by contacting your congressman, you have more influence than voting. He was and an invaluable help to me (Regina), getting our slide show running in time for my talk, 500 years of American History in One Hour.

Lance started me off by reading Psalm 78 :1-11 and Melody ran the power point which she had set up for me.

Mr. Troutman thought of a true historical drama skit for us. It was of a Missionary, Ramon Lull, who went to Africa and preached that they should repent. But the people of Africa, (Adam, Megan, Emily, Melody and Dinah) cried “Infidel! Infidel!” and stoned him nearly to death. Than we quickly changed our garments into Portuguese sailors who desired to go to the Island and bury the body of the Missionary. But we found that he was still alive and put him in our boat. When we came near Ramon’s homeland I said “Look there is your homeland!”
But Ramon (Victor) as he was dying pointed in the opposite direction and said "There is a land that has not yet heard the gospel." Then he died.

Lance acted as the grandfather of Christopher Columbus who with his young grandson on his lap said “Let me tell you the story of Ramon Lull. I was a sailor on the ship …” Little Christopher grew up with a burning vision to fulfill his name “Christ bearer” to the ends of the earth.

Melody, ready for the banquet.

After the banquet Friday night.

Maggie & Dinah

Mr. Sam Antonio our camp director, Mary Benoit our program director-daughter of The New American editor Gary Benoit & family friend Elijah Hines at the Award Ceremony

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dinah Licensed Calif. Driver Today

David said, "It was encouraging being with her, a great time!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

David & Susanna (Balyeat) Dagley 1st Anniversary

Susanna & David Surrounded by the Balyeat Family at Wedding
On March 13, 2008 Hadassa Sue Dagley was born weighing 6 lbs., 8 oz. and 21 in long.

Joshua Leever & Erica Donohoe Announcement

On June 9th, Joshua Leever (age 23) asked Greg Donohoe for Erica's hand in marriage (age17). On June 22 they announced their betrothal before the church.
In an age of trendy androgyny, it is great to see the rare beauty of a young man and lady, who have prepared for marriage.

Joshua started a Mini Barn business in Springville with his friend Travis. His honor of his parents and love of each of siblings, his faithful devotion to study the scripture has been a beautiful thing for us to witness.

Erica has honored her parents, helped to care for four small siblings, prepared meals and conducted herself without complaining. Her joy and smile have been an encouragement.

My heart is glad as I rejoice that God has had mercy on us as one more marriage comes to fruition. Jeremiah 7:34 speaks of a nation who is under the chastisement of our Great and Awesome God "Then I will cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride For the land shall be desolate.”

See also Jeremiah 16:9 and 25:10. Later in Jeremiah 33:10 It speaks of the nation that turns to God 10 Thus says the LORD; Again there shall be heard in this place, which you say shall be desolate without man and without beast, even in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, that are desolate, without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast, 11 The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever

We thank God for your betrothal, Erica and Joshua.

We are a blessed people to again hear voices of the bride and bridegroom.

Please know it is not for your sakes alone, but this blessing for you is a blessing to those who hear and see. Please have patience with us all in the coming months when you would rather not have so much attention. As the first in your families, what ever you do is a precedent for those who follow. As a dear southern Presbyterian minister Steve Wilkins says. "Marriage is not just for us. It is for the Lord, and for the world." We rejoice with you and pray for great grace on your lives.

We love you and your families, thanking God always for you.

David & Esther Seppi Family

Max & Aurelia Wedding June 23, 1906

Max and Aurelia (Anselmi) Seppi

Aurelia (Anselmi) Seppi

On Aug. 5, 1905, as a girl of 16, she sailed into New York Harbor. Max came through Ellis Island in 1900. There was a fire which closed Ellis Island that year, so she was likely redirected to another. An Austrian immigrant, she later became an American citizen. Aurelia had five sisters and two brothers. Although she was one of the older children, she was the last living member of that family. Her oldest sister died at 100 years of age. Aurelia Seppi was born to Steffan and Maria Arnoldin Anselmi on Nov. 25, 1889 in Brez, Austria. After the first world war, Brez became part of Italy. Sisters, Rose Bonan in Denver, Ida

On June 23, 1906, she married Max Seppi in Leadville. Max, also an Austrian immigrant, was a stone mason and a miner of gold and coal. They lived in Leadville until 1909, when they moved to Canada. In 1915, they moved to Sunnyside, Utah so Max could work in the mines. Max built their stone house in Helper in 1924. Most of the stone masonry work that is still standing in Helper was done by Max Seppi and Herman Plaga.

Aurelia and Max had four children, Adeline, Annie, Ida and Dave. She has 11 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren.

Max died June 10, 1953 in Helper.

In 1958, Aurelia moved in with her daughter, Adeline whose husband, Louis Bolognesi. had passed away 12-1-1935 "Lena" passed away 1-7-1992, at age 83. Aurelia ["Nona"-Italian for Grandma] lived with Lena until Aug. 14, 1991 when she fell and broke her hip, then transferred to the Castle Country Care Center.

Aurelia loved to work in the yard and garden, did knitting, crocheting, reading and vote in the elections.

Aurelia Anselmi Seppi, of Helper, Utah, age 102, died Oct. 12, 1992 in Price, Utah

David's grandma, "Nona," at age 93, at our wedding.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Corinthians 6:19-20

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body

and in your spirit, which are God’s."

Happy 27th Anniversary Sweetheart!

Thank you for calling this morning. It was a sweet talk, funny we both forgot our anniversary till Mother called to remind me before she went to breakfast.

You were 33. I was 26. Our families were relieved to see us settling down. God has made up for the seemingly lost years, giving us seven. I pray our children will be blessed even more, and we will live to see and enjoy our great-great grandchildren.

Please don't forget I love you even more than I did 27 years ago! Your love is greater too. Thank you for bringing me water in the mornings, reading with me-that has been great nourishment for us through the years.

Yesterday I was blue, so I read with Jodavid ten chapters of Job. His healing came after he prayed for God to forgive his advisors. That had an application for me too.

Though I have enjoyed this week: gardening, cooking, cleaning, reading and writing with Jodavid, I'm looking forward to you all coming back from camp. I'm so happy to hear how God used you all there. I'm proud of you, Regina, Lance and Warren Mark speaking so well. I pray God will use us, and that our tomorrows will see greater fruit than our yesterdays. God is not bound by what happened yesterday. For this I am thankful.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

This Is The House That David Built

August 1991, we spent our savings on 9 3/4 acres of land
and a building permit.
David dug the trench for the foundation with a shovel.
We spent most of his [government elementary school teacher] income
on construction materials for seven years.

Herb Emkee gave us three days, helping David frame the exterior walls.

When I drove out and saw this, I feared we were creating a monster!

Lance loved his "rog dirt" [frog shirt] so much that

after he could no longer wear it,

his Daddy made it into a flag.
We drew the house plan with crayon on the floor.
David built the interior walls.
Friends came to help raise them.
David is standing outside.
Randy Masters, Joe Clark & Phillip Hampton are inside.

Fama holding a stray dog, David, Regina holding Victor, Lance behind Dinah

Victor was born the year we started.

We had no electricity for the first three years.

David cut many boards by hand.

We bought a Honda generator. That helped!

Fama brought 10' studs to Regina to mark the 9' measurement,
then brought them to me [Mom] to cut with a rickety $5 yard sale "table saw"

Lance carried the studs to his father.

Only David could nail those 16d nails straight.

We hired a few men to help raise trusses.

Attic Trusses


As he worked, David prayed, "God, give me this mountain."

And God did.

For Christmas 1993,

we purchased and nailed siding across the front of the house

David came in for supper after sanding skylight and closet drywall seams.

Melody, Dinah, Victor, Fama, Lance

I feared the curse of building a house,

but not being able to live there.

One day while we were out,

David raised the staircase alone using ropes from the attic.

Edison required a well and water coolers to be guaranteed working within six months before they would erect the poles and bring electricity out to the constructions site. As you can see in the photo, there was no electricity yet. That had to wait along with the luxury of flush toilets for a time.

We now know the blessing, of living in the house David built.

We moved in ten years ago after seven construction years.

God gave us three "construction babies" during that time.

Some said, "Wait till you finish building to have more children!"

God didn't share their opinion.

After we moved in, menopause came.