Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy 27th Anniversary Sweetheart!

Thank you for calling this morning. It was a sweet talk, funny we both forgot our anniversary till Mother called to remind me before she went to breakfast.

You were 33. I was 26. Our families were relieved to see us settling down. God has made up for the seemingly lost years, giving us seven. I pray our children will be blessed even more, and we will live to see and enjoy our great-great grandchildren.

Please don't forget I love you even more than I did 27 years ago! Your love is greater too. Thank you for bringing me water in the mornings, reading with me-that has been great nourishment for us through the years.

Yesterday I was blue, so I read with Jodavid ten chapters of Job. His healing came after he prayed for God to forgive his advisors. That had an application for me too.

Though I have enjoyed this week: gardening, cooking, cleaning, reading and writing with Jodavid, I'm looking forward to you all coming back from camp. I'm so happy to hear how God used you all there. I'm proud of you, Regina, Lance and Warren Mark speaking so well. I pray God will use us, and that our tomorrows will see greater fruit than our yesterdays. God is not bound by what happened yesterday. For this I am thankful.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Dave and Esther. Wow, 27 years, that is amazing in this day and age. It is so wonderful to see people staying together and thriving for so long. God has richly blessed you both and will continue until He returns.


Esther said...

Lanita Dear, Your comments have all been sweet blessings.
Thank You!

The Dischers said...

Congratulations on 27 years! It is always so neat to see wedding pictures. Yours is beautiful! Thanks for posting it! It is amazing how God brings 2 people together as one in every way. God Bless you both.

Beth Discher

Esther said...

Thank you Beth! I'm so glad for Vision Forum hosting the Jamestown Quadricentennial enabling us to meet wonderful such people as your family.

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