Friday, June 6, 2008

Five Leadership Traits

From Nathaniel Darnell:

Today, I asked Mr. Howard Phillips, Chairman of the Conservative Caucus and former presidential cabinet member, what top five traits a man must possess to be a leader. After a moment of thought, these are the five marks of leadership he communicated to me.

1. You must be ready to die.

Abandon all fear of death and unpopularity.

2. You must find strength in the blessing God brings from humbling difficulties.

The greatest teacher is pain, and God will humble us to teach us. Humiliation spawns character and leadership.
3. Once you have determined what your role will be, then determine to play your part.

You may be whatever you wish to be, so long as you play the part. For example, if you want to be a president, then act like a president. Develop the ability to concentrate on what you can uniquely do and delegate everything else.

4. Always be learning.

As Charlie "Tremendous" Jones used to say, "You are the same today as you will be in a year except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read."

5. Be ever grateful.

If you become bitter, it will destroy you. Also, remember that the Bible instructs that the secret things will be revealed. Don't write anything or say anything that you are unprepared to widely share.

Howard Phillips started the Constitution Party

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