Monday, July 7, 2008

Warren Lee Campbell

Pastor Warren Mark called on Saturday morning during our devotions. Warren Lee had multiple strokes. After several unwanted days in the hospital, they brought him home. (He told his family that they should bring Hillary, Bush and Clinton to stay a week in this torture chamber.) It does not appear that he will live out the week. His wife, Margaret, is cheerful. She knows he is ready. Their 58th anniversary is July 14. Warren Lee is looking forward to seeing his son, Jonathan, who passed on 25 years ago this month.

Referring to Dinah as “Animator" and me [Regina] as "Queen,” in his last sermon, a month ago, he told the story of Lazarus rising from the dead and Jesus saying to “take the grave clothes off of him.” He asked a few if they would have taken off the grave clothes of a man who just walked out of a tomb. He looked at Dinah’s beaming face, “The Animator would.” I nodded. He looked at me, “And so would the Queen.”

Last month pastor W. Lee mentioned the story of when they were trying to build the church meeting house after gathering in homes for some time. Local churches joined together and started a petition to stop them from getting approval to build.

I thought “We’ve got to bring the digital recorder up when we get back from Utah and record his stories.” Then I hoped we would still have time when we got back from Utah. We didn’t.=

Warren Lee spent time with sordid people around Three Rivers sometimes at the coffee shop, especially asking them the greatest issue in the world: Who is Jesus Christ?

We are especially grateful to Warren Lee’s vision for these:

Keeping the church out of debt

Fellowship meals every week

Seeing three generations of Campbells serving at the same time.

He was not afraid to apply biblical standards to the state. He once preached on covetousness and Naboth’s Vineyard – an example of unlawful eminent domain.

Rev. Steve Schlissil said at Dr. Rushdoony’s graveside that Jesus hated death so much that no funeral He went to stayed a funeral.

Yet, He takes the sting out of death.

Update ~ Warren Lee Campbell went to be with our Lord on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 around 5 am.

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