Saturday, July 19, 2008

Warren Lee Campbell


The Gathering

His Grandson, Warren Luke gave the eulogy.

"Grandpa would teach us the negro sprituals and their meanings. After Uncle Jon's death [from cancer in 1983] Grandpa seemed almost obsessed with Heaven. But ever since we moved back from Oregon, the theology I recieved from Grandpa was a theology of action, working to build the kingdom of God."

John Weaver of Georgia

"Warren Lee knew how to disagree without being disagreeable"

Points from Bill Sunday's Meausure of a Man speech:

A man is known by: his character -- What he does when no one else is looking.

By his conduct -- As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

By his contribution -- what he gives -- time, involvement.

By his creed -- what he believes

By his companions -- who he associates with.

Men need godly wives to stand with them and behind them.

Most of us have tunnel vision. Warren Lee embraced the people of God.

"I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth."

Anytime someone asked, "How are you?" his reply was the same:
Rich, Intelligent, Good-looking, Talented, Humble and Wise.

Dinah and "Grandma" Ellen Simpson serve lunch

Jill's dad and his wife Betty

Grandma Margaret with Hannah, Amanda

Anthia Johnson with her mother, Kris

David Johnson and fiancé Stacie
Jill, Andrew, Joyce, Aunt Corkey
Adam - a brother in the cause of Christ
Joyce and Luke's Aunt Corkey & Art

Visit with John Weaver

David Elmer out from Oklahoma & Margaret
Margaret Campbell, John Martin, Eric Olsen
"Remember when we use to come to church on Sunday night with fish guts on our cutoffs?"

Cortney & Melody
Chiropractor John Buckler

Paul Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hurt
Warren Lee's Bible
Jeremiah, Dinah, W. Luke
Nicklas and daughter, Mattie

Christine Bowles, flowershop owner and daughter of WLC

W. Mark & Larry Palmer

Dave & Clay

Dave shared during the service: "W. Lee touched families, not just individuals.

We came up from Woodlake to hear this pastor who preached boldly."

"Only one theological point that I disagreed with him on:

Onions and garlic are actually good for you."

One month before his death, W. Lee taught on Love, Joy & Peace.

The last time he spoke was Wednesday night "Never stop witnessing"


Joshua Palmer, recovering from an accident last year

Fred & Gwen

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