Sunday, July 13, 2008

West Coast Christian Worldview Conference

by Jessica

The church I’ve recently been attending (Reformed Heritage Church) is sponsoring the upcoming West-Coast Christian Worldview Conference (WCWC), West-Coast Christian Worldview Conferencewhich will be held from Monday, July 28th to Saturday, August 2nd, 2008 on the campus of the University of California, Santa Cruz. They will be featuring a host of godly speakers such as Joe Morecraft III (one of my favorite preachers!), Mark R. Rushdoony, John Eidsmoe, Gary DeMar, Benjamin Miller.

WCWC is now on its eighth year and has had a nationwide impact. What interests me most of this conference is its mission to give a firmer foundation for our beliefs, teach us to defend the Christian faith, and prepare us to face the challenges of this world. Especially in this day and age where regrettably truth is based on relativism and morality replaced with pragmatism, we must know not only what we believe but also why we believe in what we do, so that we would not be tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine. Ideas have consequences for both individuals and societies. Our presuppositional beliefs provide the worldview or the grid through which we view everything around us, which in turn affects how we live our lives.

This conference seeks to provide instruction in Biblical worldview, in applying God’s Word to all of life, and in teaching us so we may be well-equipped to impact those within our sphere of influence. There will be approximately seven hours of instruction given each day on a variety of topics including history, politics, economics, science, music, relationships, theology, etc. I’m especially looking forward to meet Dr. Joe Morecraft and listen to his history lectures! :-) He’ll be speaking on our great “heroes of the faith” from the past including John Calvin, John Knox, Oliver Cromwell, and William Tyndale. His past sermon series on the History of the Reformation are the best I’ve heard so far on the subject. Not to mention the wonderful opportunities to meet & fellowship with other like-minded believers of the Reformed faith at the conference. In addition, there is ample time reserved for small group discussions as well as fun recreational activities such as talent shows, musical ensembles, and team sports. At the end of the sessions each evening, there’s Civil War Era & Colonial Dancing, which is so much fun!

If you’re interested in attending WCWC, please visit its website at for more information and download a registration form.

This conference is cost-effective and seeks to be affordable to everyone. The room, board, and tuition costs combined are only $375 for the whole week!

Please play audio below to listen to Pastor Gary Wagner of Reformed Heritage Church as he shares and discusses the impact of this conference in an interview from a Chalcedon Foundation Podcast.

Here is a list of the wide range of topics that will be covered during the conference:

Gary DeMarGary DeMar

  • Answering the Atheists
  • Answering the Biblical Critics
  • Answering the Christian American Skeptics
  • Answering the End-time Crazies
  • Answering the Evolutionists

Gary DeMar is president of American Vision. He has authored over 20 books, including the three-volume God and Government, and The Early Church and the End of the World. Gary edits The Biblical Worldview, a monthly magazine published by American Vision, and is the general editor and co-author of the first three volumes of the history textbook, To Pledge Allegiance.

John EidsmoeJohn Eidsmoe

  • Christianity and the Constitution
  • Daniel: God’s Man in a Pagan World
  • In Defense of the Crusades (Most of Them)
  • Straight Talk about Islam

John Eidsmoe is Professor of Law at the Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy, and Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law. He serves as senior staff attorney for the Alabama Supreme Court. He has defended home schools, Christian schools, the right of students to study the Bible in public schools, and the right to display the Ten Commandments.

Benjamin MillerBenjamin W. Miller

  • Creation and New Creation: The Foundations of Wisdom
  • Psalms: The Worship of Wisdom
  • Proverbs: The Practice of Wisdom
  • Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon: The Darkness and Romance of Wisdom
  • Job: The Trial of Wisdom

Benjamin Miller is Associate Pastor of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Franklin Square. In 1999, he received his J.D. degree from Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy, and subsequently was admitted to the State Bar of California.

Joe Morecraft IIIJoseph Morecraft III

  • Augustine
  • Luther
  • Tyndale
  • Calvin
  • Knox
  • Cromwell

Joe Morecraft III is a preacher of the gospel and a noted lecturer on contemporary political and historical trends, both in the U.S. and abroad. He has been pastor of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church near Atlanta for over 30 years. His most recent book is entitled How God Wants Us to Worship Him. His audio tapes about church history are used as college and seminary courses.

Mark R. RushdoonyMark R. Rushdoony

  • Interpreting God’s Law
  • The Applicability of Biblical Law
  • The Nature of Biblical Law
  • The Problem with Natural Law
  • The Relationship of Man to Law

Mark Rushdoony is president of Chalcedon Foundation and of Ross House Books. He is also editor-in-chief of Faith for All of Life (formerly Chalcedon Report) and Chalcedon’s other publications.

Please make plans to attend if you’re interested in this exciting conference. And maybe I’ll see you there! :)

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (I Peter 3:15).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Regina!
Brian Palmer

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