Monday, November 24, 2008

50th Anniversary Banquet

The John Birch Society
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Registration: 10:30 am Luncheon: 11:45 am

Program: 12:45 pm

Reception and Book Signing: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

DoubleTree Hotel

2001 Point West Way
Sacramento, California – 
Saving The Dollar, Jobs, and Freedom:
A No-Nonsense Look At Economic Realities
Inflation? Federal Reserve? Money? U.S. Constitution? Bailouts? Job Losses? Design Behind the Meltdown? Most importantly, what kind of a country are we being forced to leave for future generations? Economics is not mysterious even though some would like you to believe you can’t comprehend what is happening to America. The answer to the current mess begins with less government and certainly includes honest money – something our nation hasn’t had for decades. John McManus didn’t study economics in college – which gives him a huge advantage over most who did. His 1993 book Financial Terrorism is just as valuable today as it was when first issued.
The Misguided War on Terror

William F. Jasper, Sr. Editor of The New American and author of several publications, including The U.N. Exposed, will provide an in-depth analysis of the war on terror. Mr. Jasper discusses a foreign policy that has America both financing and fighting terrorists. Also, learn how you as a citizen of the United States can help expose their plans and prevent future atrocities like the Oklahoma City bombing and the World Trade Center tragedy in New York.

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