Sunday, November 9, 2008


Dinah Stretching
Notice her "I Voted" sticker ~ Nov. 4
Our Frequent Visiting Hawk
He likes to feed on our wild pigeons.
Flowers for Mom!
Little did she know...
But on this very day, Nov. 7
28 years ago
David purposed to me in Anaheim
At a [GLASS] Greater Los Angeles Sunday School Convention
that evening, in the back seat of our pastor, Don Dennie's, car.
And I was totally shocked, but managed to say,
"I'd love to."
He did not want to kiss me till the wedding.
But we didn't last that long...
He hoped I'd agree to marry him the following month,
But I wanted to marry an old friend,
Not someone I'd just met a couple months before!
So I said, "How about June?"
"Ahhhh, you make me wait so long!"
"Not so long!" I responded.
He asked how many children we should have.
I was too shy to admit I wanted five.
David said, "My mom had four, and it was too many,
How about three?"
I agreed.
Then he said he wanted to wait three years.
My heart sank.
I was 26 and he was almost 33.
Thank God, we read the scripture daily together after we got married.
After five months of marriage David was ready to throw caution to the wind:
"How mature are we going to get?
Let's just have a baby."
We lost the first one.
It is so good to be lead by the LORD!
Now our children can get married and not wander around in the desert.
They know children are a BLESSING.
And if the potential spouse isn't ready for children;
They may not be ready for marriage.
It is true; God does not give children to everyone.
But let's be open to them.

Home Grown Flowers in November!

Did you know flowers at a wedding are symbolic of fruitfulness

that is many children.

Baking in the Garage Oven

Perfected Eggplant Recipe

By Dinah
Serves 12
Fills three 12" x 20" restaurant supply pans!
Leftover Warm-ups are great too!

4 medium eggplants Sliced length wise ½” thick.

Lay slices on cookie sheets or extra large baking pans 1layer thick.

Grind in Vita-Mix;

3c. Almonds

3 ½ c. raw brown Basmati [or regular brown rice]

Shred in a food processer:

3 medium purple or white onions

8 ripe green, yellow or red bell peppers

In a blender put:

4 cloves garlic chopped

5c. canned chopped tomatoes

1 Tbs. Steak and Burger seasoning

Blend only a few seconds so that tomatoes are still partly chunky.

Add all to a bowl stir together then spoon over eggplant ¾” thick.

Bake at 350’ one hour or till eggplant is fully cooked.

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