Friday, December 19, 2008

Red Republicans and Lincoln's Marxists

Marxism in the Civil War by Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr.
Abraham Lincoln signed The Morrill Act
Washington jumped squarely into education in 1862. The "Civil War" was raging. The Morrill passed Congress. Its stated objective was to fund colleges that teach agriculture and mechanical arts, via money raised through federal land-grant sales. The true objective was to bring the Northern perspective to the re-conquered areas of the South, to teach the "rebel's" children "respect for national authority"--to break their "rebellious" spirit forever. The three Rs had absolutely nothing to do with this landmark bill. Karl Marx must have been deliriously happy with America adopting his Communist Manifesto ideas.
Senator Justin Morrilll, in explaining his authorship of the Morrill Act, said, "The role of the national government is to mold the character of the American people."

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