Thursday, December 25, 2008

From the Preface of: The Biblical Philosophy of History...

The subject of a philosophy of history is an important one.

If we hold to a non-Christian and evolutionary view,

history is ultimately governed by impersonal forces.

In a Christian view, the totally personnel triune God governs

all things totally.

The two views cannot be reconciled.

Each has far-reaching consequences.

In a Biblical, sin and salvation are basic in our lives.

In a non-Christian view, it is our evolutionary potential.

This view has tended to see progress as evolutionary,

whereas, the Biblical view sees advancement in history

as a moral and religious fact.

To neglect this fact is to court disaster,

and this is what we are doing.

Because the church has narrowed

and warped the gospel,

we are in trouble.

The Bible deals with history.

It does not rapture us out of it

but plunges us into it as warriors of God.

~R.J. Rushdoony

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