Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gerardo Garcia funeral

This was the first Roman Catholic service I've been to. The service was all in Spanish with guitar music from the balcony behind. The architecture reflects the theology; stained glass windows of the suffering Christ, beautiful open beam ceiling inspires awe, while the cold stone, brick and tile reminds me of a monk's cell. The arch shaped doors with medieval design reinforced that image.

The music performed out of sight, focused our attention on the ceremony, reading of scripture and communion. The minister mentioned Gerardo's name once. Usually he said "Hermano." Daddy translated some for me. The priest said death is sometimes hard to understand. Mary and Martha said to Jesus, "Lord if you had been there, our brother would not have died."

When the pall bearers walked in behind the casket, one mans face was streaked with tears. We sat with Dad's school staff. It was more a religious service than of one remembering Gerardo.

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