Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

May God grant you a long life, so that you may live to see your great, great grand children. We are so blessed to be a part of this family and your vision of victory. You always encourage of us to use our time wisely preparing to be ambassadors for Christ's Kingdom. You have told us in the morning "Your enemies are not sleeping.” That is a great reminder that the world is a battle ground and not a playground. Thank you for investing in excellent books for us to read, study, and learn from. Thank you for investing in our bee business so we would someday be self-employed men of God, using our wealth as an engine for reformation. Thank you for taking us to great conferences to spend time learning and talking to national speakers and letting us help in the Tom McClintock Campaign, enabling him win a congressional seat. Thank you for giving us a vision of rising early to read with your wife, then reading the Bible and other great books to us. I pray that your vision for me would be fulfilled in my life.

As Psalm 112 says: "Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in his commandments. His descendents will be mighty on the earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in his house and his righteousness endures forever."

That is my prayer for your descendants that they may stand in the gates, speaking with their enemies without fear.

Love, Lance


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, brother David!
Thank God for Christian men and women! You guys (Lance, Victor, Regina, Dinah, Melody and Jodavid) are very blessed to have such a father.
"your enemies are not sleeping" very true. We have a HUGE task in front of us- to educate our immigrants about Dominion-oriented Christianity, because we see people tired of waiting for Christ to return, letting hands down, sending kids to P.Schools and losing our Christian culture. We need your help. The situation is of this nature: imagine a huge army that is coming to a city to take it, united, sincere, willing to fight --- but without good weapons. This is the situation of the 150,000 of Slavic immigrants in Sacramento, and we are getting slaughtered by the P. Schools and defeatist theology.
I don't know the future and what God has in store, but I think God allowed your family to come in contact with the Slavic community, not blind chance.
God bless all of you.

P.S. the tea brand was Sindbad, blackberry or something like that (to Mrs.Seppi) :)

John Lofton, Recovering Republican said...

Rushdoonyite site,; please visit/comment.

John Lofton, Editor
Recovering Republican

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