Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Love Being an Entrepreneur by Dinah

Regina This has been a good year-
Not many mites,
but this is one Dinah discovered.
Dinah is out feeding her babies

Jodavid is a good assistant.

The bees go in.
The bees come out.
They don't usually sting.

Here is a pollen a pollen patty for them.
Ah, this hive is doing very well.

OOPS! Some are in my vail!

Dinah's Babies

Job and the proverbs 31 woman were entrepreneurs.

Proverbs 13:22 says “The godly man lays up an inheritance for his children.” Although that can be a spiritual inheritance, it was meant as a physical inheritance, even as Jesus Christ has laid up for us a physical inheritance. God cares about material things! It is the duty of all Christians to be investing in the future.

Although God does not condemn slavery, 1Cor. 7:21 says, “But if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity.” My father has been a Public School Teacher since before he met my mother. He cannot freely talk about Jesus Christ. He cannot take days off when he wants to. So, much of his pay check goes to helping my brothers be established in their business of beekeeping. And, he is helping me learn to raise the queen bees, so we will not be wage-slaves. The gift of having my own schedule, working with my family and listening to good speakers while I work is a gift.

If I get married just before my business gets going and spend the next 30 years of my life raising children, I will be thankful for the time I was able to spend helping my dad and brothers in the dominion calling God is giving them.

May God raise up a generation of entrepreneurs such that they may be able to be the engine that funds Christian reconstruction.

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