This is a well-documented book exposing the foundation of public school. An excellent quote by Robert Dale Owen reveals the messianic character of American education. The first communistic experiment was started in this country in New Harmony
As Hitler would later say a hundred years later to a group of parents who told him, “We are not going to have our children follow you,” he answered arrogantly, “What are you? You will pass on. Your children however will stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.”
So education to them is the savior of mankind and that is what people believe today. Robert Dale Owen, in his fiery speech, which was later published in the Free Enquirer on July 28, 1832 said, “If this country is to be redeemed, national education extended through all her states must be her redeemer.” This was written by a communist showing what he believes education can do. It saves us. We know that education is inescapably a religious discipline; therefore parents have the duty to educate their children in the nurture and instruction of the Lord.
Public education took root in 1825. Robert Owen had preached that the “children had to be separated from their parents as early as possible so that their characters could be molded by their educators.” The lesson learned by Owen and his followers was that education had to precede the creation of a communistic society. For people, education under the old system, were too selfish, and incurable. Robert Owen wrote a letter saying, “This experience proved that the attempt was premature to unite the number of strangers not previously educated for the purpose, who should carry on extensive operations for their common interest in living together as a common family so they started the Working Man's Party. The Working Man's Party was to keep the ball rolling for socialistic education. Frances Wright, one of the first feminists and big-time advocate of government education said this, “Fix your eyes upon the great object, the salvation and regeneration of human kind by means of rational education and the protection of youth…”
In 1829, Robert Dale Owen and Frances Wright were busily trying to convince Americans to accept the true “religion,” but under the name of popular education, which was the first step toward a socialist society. These two were the most responsible for making The Working Man's Party, a vehicle for promoting the idea of a national educational system.
1 comment:
Yup, it says "FATHERS teach your children". And, that most fathers have abdicated this responsibility has led to the loss of generational continuity, moral integrity, work ethic, personal responsibility, initiative, long term perspectives. So we have things like General Motors on the skids, thousands of unsound mortgages in default, "bailouts" of failed enterprises by theft from taxpayers.....
Plymouth Plantation tried a socialistic economy at the beginning. Even with their strong biblical principles it failed within two years, the colony nearly starving to death. The return to private ownership and enterprise brought nearly instant health and prosperity to the entire colony. Jamestown nearly suffered a similar fate in its early years, eventually implementing the same "cure", with attendant success. Oh, but those years of history have been "revised", and we now know little of them as a culture. Again, FATHERS, teach your children. There is a reason God commanded Israel to remove twelve stones from the bed of the Jordan as they passed through it at full flood, and to stack them up on the dry gound on Canaan's side. One more tool to help the FATHERS to teach their children concerning the providence of their Lord. Sacrificing their children to Moloch never led to prosperity OR peace. And nothing has changed till now, except the names. Voddie Baucham is a prophetic voice assaulting the status quo. His vision is not new, but needs desparately to be heeded.
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