Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008


Greetings to our family and friends,

Jodavid, 11, asks innumerable questions, like (regarding his joints), “Do my hinges have grease in them?” He loves to pick out piano tunes by ear, visit friends, bike, mow the lawn and orchard, jump on the trampoline, and loves being read to. Jodavid wrote the book of Daniel, now starting I Samuel, at three verses a day. He now reads to himself for pleasure.

Melody, 14, fills our house with music, loves to write, read books, sew, play piano, and cook.

Victor, 17, is our right hand man, ready to help. Today he took apart a pump, cleaned diesel out of it and got it running again. Victor works on beekeeping, math, writing, spelling and reading. He has an interest in filmmaking, since he read Outside Hollywood last year. Some here plan to attend the Vision Forum San Antonio Independent film Academy and Festival in January.

Dinah 19, arranged flowers for two weddings: Mike & Trish April 20, and David & Stacie on Reformation evening. She is learning the “wonderfully challenging” art of raising queen bees.

God has given Lance, 21, many opportunities to speak: Ten minute talks in church, youth camp devotionals, 4th of July celebration, and one full-length 50 minute lecture at Freedom Generation Camp on the Communist Manifesto.

Regina, 25, runs with her Dad, lifts weights, researches purchases for the ranch, and helps organize our home. Regina reads to Jodavid at night. She gave two lectures at Freedom Generation Camp on Five hundred Years of American History in One Hour, also Communism to Fascism. Melody programmed her PowerPoint. Regina wrote articles on the ballot propositions and one on the Tom McClintock Campaign for an online newspaper, portervillepost.com.

This has been a year packed with memories: January began with a surge of energy inspired by the Austrian economist, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, who ran for president in the 2008 primaries. Although largely blacked out by the media, he raised more money in one day than any other. But due to a lack of teaching on Biblical economics and an understanding of the times in which we live, America passed up a Constitutionalist, for a Socialist Republican, McCain and a Socialist Democrat, Obama, both surrounded by globalists and their agenda. Most Christians failed to back Republican Ron Paul or Pastor Chuck Baldwin on the Independent or Constitution Party ticket. As Bill Clinton’s mentor, Quigley wrote in 1965 “The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shift in policy…but will still pursue with new vigor approximately the same basic policies.” Bill Clinton left office with a deficit of one hundred billion. George W. Bush is leaving office with a one trillion dollar deficit.

A judge ruled to redirect irrigation water downriver to the fish. 250,000 acres of almonds are expected to be torn out. This could radically change farming in the San Joaquin Valley.

Sadly Tim Martin, a young man from Pixley, who gave us tractor rides, died in Iraq Feb. 20.

Feb. 26 Melody started a blog this year which we have all joined: melodys-notes.blogspot.com

We enjoyed visits in Feb., July and Sept., of two professional filmmakers, Ross and Carter from New York who interviewed us for a beekeeping documentary expected to come out next year.

In March we had a great three-day pistol class taught by “Magic,” a SWAT team instructor from Frontsite. We were hosted by church friends.

Uncle Stephen and Sweet Aunt Lenora hosted Mom’s family Reunion on Easter.

May 14 Aunt Naomi went to be with the Lord. Her funeral was a sweet family gathering.

June 23rd Betrothal announcement of Erica and Joshua

June 25th at the Seppi Family Reunion in Utah, it was good to meet cousins we had never seen before. We are grateful to Richard & Susan Heller and his sister Cheryl for taking on that huge project.

July 19 a great memorial service for Pastor Warren Lee Campbell, a grandpa in the faith. He preached his last sermon three weeks before his passing. We smiled each time we saw him knowing he would make us laugh.

God gave Cousin Robin & Joshua a treasured girl, Chloe Stella, born August 19, 2008.

God gave our daughter, Fama and Joshua a third son Aug. 24 in Ashland, Oregon, Daniel Arthur Robinson.

Aug. 26, four young gangsters ran over seven of our pallets smashing beehives with a stolen car.

Sept. 4-6 The Bailey Family Reunion near Sacramento was a good time getting better acquainted with family. We are grateful for Oscar Jr. and Linda’s remarkable work in bringing us together.

Lance was honored to spend Sept. 24-29 with the DeC family and attend a Conference in Arizona. R. C. Sproul said, “The Kingdom of God has come. It was inaugurated when Jesus said ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’”

They loaned us Del Tackett’s The Truth Project series put out by Focus on the Family. One thing that stays with us is that God has a heart for the humble, and God has a humble heart.

The kids enjoyed WCWC in July. Gary DeMar said, “Every earthly endeavor should be considered kingdom activity, whether family, church, business or politics. We are ambassadors of our king in His Kingdom, which encompasses everything in Heaven and on earth.”

Oct. 4th was a special time with family at Erin and Tad’s wedding in Santa Rosa.

After spending that night with Grandma Stoops, we got back for the last day of our church’s Old Paths Christian History Conference. The speakers were good to the last. Also introduced, were five Christian American River College students who are student body council members. They passed a resolution supporting Proposition 8, banning sodomite “marriage.”

Regina, Lance, Victor, & Melody campaigned two days for Tom McClintock in Roseville, spent a couple nights with Grandma Seppi and Auntie Mary, and on to a Reformation camp at Murphys sponsored by Jay & Donna Grimstead. Main Speakers were “Uncle” Jay and Craig Garby. Lance spoke on Patrick Henry, a visionary man who understood his people must resist the tyranny of King George III of England. Regina joined a ladies panel, discussing Biblical Womanhood.

Nov. 30, at the Messiah Sing-Along, we rejoiced to hear of the betrothal of Travis & Elisabeth.

Sat. Dec. 6th Sixteen of the American River College Christians came to the John Birch 50th Anniversary Banquet in Sacramento. Speaker Bill Jasper pointed out that our “War on Terror” is misguided. We are actually fighting KGB trained and financed terrorists. American Foreign Aide funds both sides.

Many gathered later for a Reformation plan to unite churches and glorify God.

We were hosted that night by the “Chocho” family, with nine children, a grandma, plus a friend living there. “Chocho’s” have added on to their house to accommodate all. Sunday we visited their Citrus Heights Romanian church.

A year flies by, full of visits, church, conferences and internet giving us access to understanding and wisdom. It was a major John Birch Society victory stalling the NAFTA Super Highway, part of the strategy to unify Mexico, USA, and Canada into one unit. There is a moratorium passed delaying the superslab for another one to two years. Also decisions, now, are forced to okay this county by county.

David and I, Esther, are looking forward to seeing God provide spouses for possibly five of our children during the next ten years. We pray for wise, humble, faithful joyful son and daughter-in-laws with whole hearts for God, his word, a heart for us with the perseverance to homeschool. We pray for honorable young men who will lead in family devotions and provide for large families and young ladies who will prepare wholesome food for their growing families.

I [David] enjoy reading with Esther the books of R. J. Rushdoony on the law of God also learning the Austrian economics of Ron Paul showing understanding needed for this country to return to greatness. Bailout and stimulus packages only prolong depressions. May God sustain us all during these times and enable us to build an economy based on honest money. May people can find hope in the Lord and reestablish a godly nation even as His Kingdom grows.

Sadness too comes to me: My teaching associate was just killed in the fog; the tale-tale signs of old age coming on at 61 years and I know how fast 20 more will go. Many are on the road to an early devastating end of life and I am not able to reach them with simple answers: exercise and a plant based diet, with only very light use of animal products and desserts.

Yet the life of Christ continually gives us hope through many of you, our children and the marvelous City of God, His people.”

Doug Phillips said, “Every generation has its challenges, ours is the systematic annihilation of the Biblical family.” May we build foundations, and be as Bradford says: “stepping stones.”

The question is: Will the Christians rise up and rebuild our civilization like Nehemiah?

Christians must stop looking for the “rapture” bailout. The sign that Jesus will return is the fullness of the Kingdom: Christ is now on his throne reigning, and his kingdom is in heaven and earth. Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea Isaiah 9:7 “Of the increase of government and peace, there will be no end.” I Corinthians 15:25-26 He must reign till he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

Our God reigns! Let the earth rejoice!

David & Esther

Regina, Lance, Dinah, Victor, Melody, Jodavid

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