Wednesday, January 21, 2009

History Has Been Made

Geoff Botkin

Christians will invest in their future. For the first time in history, the finalists and award winning films at this year’s festival included feature films that were also making headlines for significant cultural impact.

In fact, FIREPROOF, the winner of the SAICFF Jubilee for Best Feature Film, was the top grossing independent film in the United States for 2008, at $33 million in box office receipts.

Doug & Beale Phillips Family
Also, with more than 2400 people in attendance at the SAICFF and 550 at the Christian Filmmaker’s Academy, interest in Christian filmmaking appeared to reach a historic high.
These are excerpts from:
Photo by Dinah Seppi
Vladimir was amazed,
"Viktor, take pictures! Americans with big families and long dresses!"
R.J. Rushdoony said,
"Our dominion work is to bring forth the meaning of man,
morality, earth, and to perfect the God-ordained purposes of creation."

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