Saturday, February 7, 2009

'Restore Sound Money and End the Fed' Resolution Introduced in the Washington State Legislature

Late in 2008, the John Birch Society (JBS) posted a model "Restore Sound Money and End the Fed" resolution for state legislatures (this resolution includes live links to thirteen resource documents) on its website for consideration by state legislators in their 2009 sessions. (Click here for a PDF version of the resolution.)

This resolution consists of eight "Whereas" paragraphs giving reasons for introducing and passing this resolution in a state legislature followed by this concluding paragraph:

Now therefore, be it resolved: by the Legislature of the State of _______, that the Congress of the United States, and particularly, the legislative delegation to Congress of the State of _________, are hereby urged and petitioned to use all of their efforts, energies and diligence to protect all the citizens of this nation from potential, unprecedented losses in the value of take-home pay, retirement income, insurance policies, and investments as a result of the Federal Reserve’s ongoing inflation of our unbacked paper money by passing legislation (such as H.R. 2756 to repeal our nation’s legal tender laws,10 H.R. 4683 “The Free Competition in Currency Act of 2007,”11 and H.R. 5427 the “Tax-Free Gold Act of 2008,”12) to help restore gold and silver money in accordance with the Constitution, then phasing out the Federal Reserve System and its inflationary paper money, the Federal Reserve Note (as in H.R. 2755).13

On January 30, the Washington State Legislature became the first one to introduce a Restore Sound Money and End the Fed resolution based on the JBS resolution. The bill number is House Joint Memorial 4010 (HJM4010). The resolution was sponsored by Representatives Condotta, Shea, Klippert, Kretz, and McCune.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

It is somewhat heartening to learn of this new bill coming into our own state legislature. I can only hope it will pass.... but, having watched the goings on in the Marble Zoo downtown, I've little hope it will. Seems the liberal fascistic bent of our own state government is unmatched in the Union except only by perhaps California and the Federal Government itself. Such wisdom will surely be looked upon as deepest folly. Yet, it is precedent setting that it is even before the House. It will be interesting to see its progress, and WHO lends their support (and opposition). I can just imagine our reigning "queen" expressing HER views on the horrors of such a change.

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